the fabulous purplesiamese got her septum pieced....she was brave, and only got a bit watery eyed, because, well a needle through the schnoz will do that too you...i think she looks fit as fuck...

i will be sure to post some full on hot ass pictures soon...convince to model all her new undies for

yesterday tried to go out at night...however...we got a little a carton of this...

and carolines imagintive use of her awesome blowjob lips...

all i can say, is fella's, ice cold chocolate milk blow jobs are fucking awesome!!! and she seemed to love it too.....
am currently hunting for some new Cowboy shirts....i am very picky, has to be the right cut/line on the front and back and decent buttons...preferably pearl pop studs...if you see any in an XL let me know
I have also found this site...whcih I think was a big mistake....but sums me and the always infamous Bashter up...Kitty, its all abouty a guy who hates hello kitty, but his missus loves it,. and they move to japan...and he some how seems to be ona mission to find the weirdest stuff ever....including, cheese, sausages, and a $33000 doghouse....its funny how a man can hate it, but love seeing the lady in his life smile!! or maybe we just know whats good for us, and you know, we want to get laid more than we probably ever deserve....
i'm sorry, I know this blog is a bit useless, but i really did have to brag about the choco milk blow job extravaganza a la awesome...
Muchos Loveos!!!
Caroline looks gorgeous!!!
Caroline looks gorgeous as always and yay for chocolate blow jobs My favourite kind