thanks to those of you who read my earlier blog!! you are good friends, and just a bit unfortunate my computer was on at that time in the morning!!
well, all went well at the docs, it is a relief to have done something about it, and along with stress she has diagnosed me with depression, which was a bit of a shock, as I thought i was just a miserable bastard but because its mostly work, and is a recent thing, she doesn't want to give me anything for it just yet, she has just insisted I stay off work for a couple of weeks, and doctors orders is to find a new job and harass the HR department until they move me to a different role I am happy in, and if i need more time off, or still can't face it in a couple of weeks she will be happy to sign another sick note for me.....i have to say she was really nice and helpful, and made me feel quite comfortable, and made me open up a bit.....which as a Man thing i don't do that often
anyway, I will no doubt be spending 2 weeks lurking on sg, looking for breasts, but if its relaxing, it can't be that bad for me....
thank you all for being lovely people!! as you know, i don't tend to rant/moan much, and i probably wont mention much of this other words.... Normal service will resume shortly, so expect random blogs full of bad youtube clips, big boobs, and nice juicy and jiggly arses!!!
well, all went well at the docs, it is a relief to have done something about it, and along with stress she has diagnosed me with depression, which was a bit of a shock, as I thought i was just a miserable bastard but because its mostly work, and is a recent thing, she doesn't want to give me anything for it just yet, she has just insisted I stay off work for a couple of weeks, and doctors orders is to find a new job and harass the HR department until they move me to a different role I am happy in, and if i need more time off, or still can't face it in a couple of weeks she will be happy to sign another sick note for me.....i have to say she was really nice and helpful, and made me feel quite comfortable, and made me open up a bit.....which as a Man thing i don't do that often
anyway, I will no doubt be spending 2 weeks lurking on sg, looking for breasts, but if its relaxing, it can't be that bad for me....
thank you all for being lovely people!! as you know, i don't tend to rant/moan much, and i probably wont mention much of this other words.... Normal service will resume shortly, so expect random blogs full of bad youtube clips, big boobs, and nice juicy and jiggly arses!!!
I'm with Rich on this one hun Doctors are too quick to hand out antidepressants like there bloody sweets it's there answer to everything When i was first prescribed them i'd only gone with a migraine lol I certainly didn't feel depressed but once you've been told you are by a doc and they give you those meds You get it into your head that you are and it's all downhill from there Worst thing i ever did in my life was listen to that doc and take those meds but i was only a teenager and naive You've got such a good outlook on life and you've obviously got a good doctor because she's trying more positive things before she trys the meds I'm sure you are depressed hun We all feel this way at some point in are life but it seems that you know the cause of your depression Sort that problem and you've sorted your depression There's so many better solutions than antidepressants But at the end of the day the main thing is that you do what you beleive is right You can listen to advice but only you know what is best for you If you think the meds are best then go for them just make sure it's because that's what you want Never mind what anyone else thinks is best only you know how you really feel
Sorry to go on hun I just feel really strongly about this cos i know the problems they've caused me I've been on them the last 14 years and they've done fuck all to help For me they seem to worsen everything I've been off them 2 months now and i've never felt better The drs told me i wouldn't manage without them because i was depressed that's bollocks and they don't seem happy that i've proved my point but fuck em cos i'm looking after myself They can think what the hell they like all i ask is that you do the same Make sure you do what's right for you Nobody else
o.k i'll shut up now i've filled your blog up lol
You enjoy your 2 weeks off and try to forget about work You just concentrate on feeling better and looking at all those awesome boobies
My little smilie face thingys aren't working now i'm getting all upset lol