Right then, if internet explorer shuts donw again whilst wrting a blog I may kill and maim someone...in that order...
Happy New Year Everyone!!!
i know 2007 had some very big sucky moments, and I also feel had some very good moments!!! if you want the full recap read my blogs for the last year
all i will say here is to new freinds and old freinds, and going through the good and the bad and always coming out the other side!! 2008 will be another year knowing you, whihc makes me even more happy to spend a whole $40 on membership for another year
I should mentions however (as I have not blogged about it yet) that Las Vegas was seriously fucking awesome!!!! properly awesome!!!! and when I get some more free time/energy i will resize and uplopad the pics on an album, and will link it furiously in my blog!!! promise and pinky swear and everything!!
New Years Eve was interesting.....but ultimitaely very fun!!!
1. Bash and I had a missus tit off, wioth the always willing and voluptuous purplesiamese and chomper i think the next stage will be either some serious tag teaming or wife swapping....lol....
2. A suprise guest in the always lovely and charming Angel_Ree, who had a rought itme of it halfway through the night, and let me be a Knight in Shining white on white Nike Air Force 1's.....and we took her in for the night, and had lots of vodka/jacks/conversation and it was a very welcome addition to the new year
3. Caz's ickle sister came round, and brought her freind...who had tit's and a fucking half!!!! seriously!!! and she was both funny and fit, and liked Guitar Hero and Star Wars, so as you know, will always be welcome in my house!!! So all in all I ended up surrounding by lovely ladies, withou having to go out and try and be charming!!
and now it is a New Year.... here is my to do list.....which is probably the same as the blog this time last year
1. Find a new job
2. Sort out debt...somehow!!!
3. Learn to drive
4. Learn to snowboard
5. Loose a little bit of weight....a belly free size XL will do me fine!!
6. Go on holiday with some SG chums....don't know where yet!!
and overall, hopefully see more of you more often, its a sad day when I miss another Man when I'm on holiday!!
I also got given a new nickname/moniker......
Deadmanshand- the friendly pervert (which has been around for a while) but added to that last night, is
The friendly pervert, like Casper...just with hands!!
All i can say about life so far is that I may not have done it the conventional way, and I may not always do it the smart way, but I do it my way...and you know what my way is....
Happy New Year Everyone!!!
i know 2007 had some very big sucky moments, and I also feel had some very good moments!!! if you want the full recap read my blogs for the last year
all i will say here is to new freinds and old freinds, and going through the good and the bad and always coming out the other side!! 2008 will be another year knowing you, whihc makes me even more happy to spend a whole $40 on membership for another year
I should mentions however (as I have not blogged about it yet) that Las Vegas was seriously fucking awesome!!!! properly awesome!!!! and when I get some more free time/energy i will resize and uplopad the pics on an album, and will link it furiously in my blog!!! promise and pinky swear and everything!!
New Years Eve was interesting.....but ultimitaely very fun!!!
1. Bash and I had a missus tit off, wioth the always willing and voluptuous purplesiamese and chomper i think the next stage will be either some serious tag teaming or wife swapping....lol....
2. A suprise guest in the always lovely and charming Angel_Ree, who had a rought itme of it halfway through the night, and let me be a Knight in Shining white on white Nike Air Force 1's.....and we took her in for the night, and had lots of vodka/jacks/conversation and it was a very welcome addition to the new year
3. Caz's ickle sister came round, and brought her freind...who had tit's and a fucking half!!!! seriously!!! and she was both funny and fit, and liked Guitar Hero and Star Wars, so as you know, will always be welcome in my house!!! So all in all I ended up surrounding by lovely ladies, withou having to go out and try and be charming!!
and now it is a New Year.... here is my to do list.....which is probably the same as the blog this time last year
1. Find a new job
2. Sort out debt...somehow!!!
3. Learn to drive
4. Learn to snowboard
5. Loose a little bit of weight....a belly free size XL will do me fine!!
6. Go on holiday with some SG chums....don't know where yet!!
and overall, hopefully see more of you more often, its a sad day when I miss another Man when I'm on holiday!!
I also got given a new nickname/moniker......
Deadmanshand- the friendly pervert (which has been around for a while) but added to that last night, is
The friendly pervert, like Casper...just with hands!!
All i can say about life so far is that I may not have done it the conventional way, and I may not always do it the smart way, but I do it my way...and you know what my way is....
Happy New Year!!! You all rock, except those of you that don't!! but if you don't you probably didn't enjoy this blog, you miserable cunt!!
cos if you ever wondered, thats the reason I chose Deadmanshand
OMG A hello kitty store in Vegas You were ill? You just missed out on a massivley perverted wife swap lol
haha asif your are!!!a simple meet and greet is all you need!im rather friendly!!!lol hoping you had a good new year!and that you tinternet wont break again!xx