i am feeling quite unoriginal this morning, so i shall be doing this in the tried and tested and always awesome good/bad stuff blog....
Bad Stuff
* Lack Of Sleep This Weekend *
annoyingly not due to any kind of hard partying, unless you class drinking too much caffiene partying hard?? bu friday night i only slept about 4 hours, and stayesd up watching south park, and putting the christmass tree up...
and last night My stupid stomach had a mental hour or 2, doing ungodly things to me, probably due to having Pizza (so bad for me!!!!) and way too much coffee
*Not having enough room for my drumkit*
I really really want my drum kit back, i want to practice, knock of the rust, form a metal/hardcore/punk band play some local gigs, never get signed, but have a cool name/logo on a t-shirt.....and be kbnow as those awesome under appreciated bastards!! but the flat is small, and not that well sound proofed, but fingers crossed we will be moving in the new year to a house, andf I am hoping for 3/4 bedrooms (sharing with caroklines sister) and I am having the smallest room to myself!!!!
I blame Libra for posting a cool travis barker video in her blog!!
*Not having an XBOX 360 Elite*
it sucks, they have finally started releasing movies on xbox live, and original xbox games, and my hard drive is puny!!! i need one now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and the GOOD STUFF!!!
New pants are awesome.... I have tried one of Mr Bash's special stuffing techniques...can you tell???
We may not have much room, or have a lot of them, but I am very proud of our Bling Bling tree, our Hello Kitty and Nightmare before Christmas Stocking and our inflatable Jack and Sally
yeah, I said work, i dont know whether its cos i am officially on wind down, but after a team breifing on Thursday (with a good buffet lunch...lol) our targets for next year seem pretty realistic, almost suspiciously easy, but there is a chance for some serious moolah.....so am going to hack it for 3-6months and see if i make the cash they say we can be making....but they also said they will be happy to help people find other roles in the bank if its were there talents lay.....so fingers crossed
purplesiamese went to get her eyes tested and thought she only needed reading glasses, but has been told she will need to build up to wearing glasses all the time....she has got some awesome looking leopard print style geek glasses, and is getting her haircut on Tuesday, and may get her septum pierced... she has also trimmed her muff, and it looks a bit like flames rising up (point at the top)...this was before she got the glasses....
He is coming to save us all from the Evil CARDINAL SIN, and our righteous HOLY WATER SPLASH OF SALVATION and GOLDEN DEATH DROP will but him in his place...
you probably have to be Bashter to get that one...
see a whole blog without mentioning vegas.......oops....
i am also loving long winded songs this week
thank you all for indulging me again...
Bad Stuff
* Lack Of Sleep This Weekend *
annoyingly not due to any kind of hard partying, unless you class drinking too much caffiene partying hard?? bu friday night i only slept about 4 hours, and stayesd up watching south park, and putting the christmass tree up...
and last night My stupid stomach had a mental hour or 2, doing ungodly things to me, probably due to having Pizza (so bad for me!!!!) and way too much coffee
*Not having enough room for my drumkit*
I really really want my drum kit back, i want to practice, knock of the rust, form a metal/hardcore/punk band play some local gigs, never get signed, but have a cool name/logo on a t-shirt.....and be kbnow as those awesome under appreciated bastards!! but the flat is small, and not that well sound proofed, but fingers crossed we will be moving in the new year to a house, andf I am hoping for 3/4 bedrooms (sharing with caroklines sister) and I am having the smallest room to myself!!!!
I blame Libra for posting a cool travis barker video in her blog!!
*Not having an XBOX 360 Elite*
it sucks, they have finally started releasing movies on xbox live, and original xbox games, and my hard drive is puny!!! i need one now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and the GOOD STUFF!!!
New pants are awesome.... I have tried one of Mr Bash's special stuffing techniques...can you tell???

We may not have much room, or have a lot of them, but I am very proud of our Bling Bling tree, our Hello Kitty and Nightmare before Christmas Stocking and our inflatable Jack and Sally

yeah, I said work, i dont know whether its cos i am officially on wind down, but after a team breifing on Thursday (with a good buffet lunch...lol) our targets for next year seem pretty realistic, almost suspiciously easy, but there is a chance for some serious moolah.....so am going to hack it for 3-6months and see if i make the cash they say we can be making....but they also said they will be happy to help people find other roles in the bank if its were there talents lay.....so fingers crossed
purplesiamese went to get her eyes tested and thought she only needed reading glasses, but has been told she will need to build up to wearing glasses all the time....she has got some awesome looking leopard print style geek glasses, and is getting her haircut on Tuesday, and may get her septum pierced... she has also trimmed her muff, and it looks a bit like flames rising up (point at the top)...this was before she got the glasses....
He is coming to save us all from the Evil CARDINAL SIN, and our righteous HOLY WATER SPLASH OF SALVATION and GOLDEN DEATH DROP will but him in his place...
you probably have to be Bashter to get that one...
see a whole blog without mentioning vegas.......oops....
i am also loving long winded songs this week
thank you all for indulging me again...

haha... I'll get it for Assassin's creed...
wat an EXCELLENT idea for the old crimbo decrations! even better, you could wear them yourself as primark specials!!