in other Words HOT COCK ACTION!!!!
after a shitty half day at work on friday we braved the train to lovely wet and windy Leeds (in fairness everywhere in the UK is fucking wet n windy this time of year), and got there to a lovely Bashter & chomper for some nice chit chat, low key boozing, and the mother of all fucking take-aways, a pizza/kebab shop that did a Calzone Kebab...just essentially a donnor kebab (minus the Naan Bread) in side a big calzone pizza type thing....fucking lovely!!!
Saturday was a day for wandering around the lovely city of leeds, enjoying the Shopping sights, being too lazy/old to queue for the German Beer Keller/Hutt thing, however I did a cool new t-shirt, and a hat, I am very chuffed about my hat....I don't find many hats I liked, and caroline paid, so all was well....I then tried to barter with the shop people for one of these...

a Nike Lucky Cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fucking miserable bastards wouldn't sell it, although in their defense the last one on ebay fetched well over 500!!! and caroline was too prudish to offer the shop man sexual favours for it....guess she didn't really want one after all!!
well...after such failed negotiations, we headed off to get ready and meet the lovely libra and her mate, to go to Xscape, where we were in awe of the big snowman...

pretty big....after some pre drunken red bull infused arcade dance machine disaster...I won a bouncy ball that i bounced higher than the snowman, accidentally off the ledge, and may of killed someone by hitting them in the head....or maybe not!!
we then headed to mexican restuarant Chiquitto's...which was tasty food, but thats not what you care about is it....this is were me and bash managed to lower the tone in the only way we know how....
firstly, mark enjoying his salad in the manliest way he knows how

and then to honour our missing resident pink drink feind lock we got us some cocktails

and then we moved on to the stupid dares...I dared bash to eat 5 Jalapeno chilli's in one bite, i then ordered and ate 10 jalapeno's in one bite...not to be out done he then dared himself, or i dared him to stick a jalapeno on his bell end.....the stupid bastard did.....CAUTION!!!! Do not look at if you don't want to, and it aint a pretty picture
i seriously you didn't click that!! and I hope Mrk doesn't kill me (if you want it taken down just ask, but i think you should be proud....
anyway you will get the idea from these pics of HOT COCK ACTION!!!
furious wet wipe relief
and finally...absolute smugness, after i pussied out (under purplesiamese's persuasion) of eating the offending chilli
the weekedn was finsished by a suprisingly civilised and fucking delicious unday dinner at a nice country village type pub!! and yet again a fantastic weekend with the most awesome freinds anyone could hope for!! and only 3 qweeks till a week with libra and lock in Las Vegas, where i will be attemtping to find a stunt to put the Chilli Cock Carne to shame....
and hopefully just after christmas some sort of get togehter for purplesiamese's birthday....
and just yay for a great weekend, and great freinds, and finally to be back on my computer and looking at all the sets I have missed.....
I don't think this blog needs any more...but I am shoving this in cos I love it...
muchos love and hugos!!!
just wait till we get the wrestling masks!!! el Lucha libre deadman 'a Bashingo here we come!!
i love that lucky cat...i want it too!!
what flavour chocolate orange do you want for xmas day? im buying them tomorrow!!!