Well then, Don't know if i'm still recovering from one hell of a weekend (see previous blog) or if I am actually ill, but I have been off work since monday...
On sunday woke up with eveil throat and got cold and stuff throughout the day, and then on monday gotr ready and left for work, and threw yup waiting for my tram, in public...it was nice to feel like the town drunk again, but not so good to feel ill!! And yesterday was still feeling pretty icky, and today I fully intended going to work, but just couldn't wake up at all, felt really bad, and just been feeling really drained, and going dizzy when i try and do stuff, and yesterday I was absolutely shattered from doing somehting really simple, like taking the rubbish out....
I am pretty sure its just a virus, and I have to go to work tomorrow, I dread to turn my mobile phone on and find out how many mesasages I have and, lots of emails, had so muich to do as well before I hav3e 2 weeks off, so now think i will have to go in on my holiday just to get stuff finished off, but hey ho, least I can go in jeans and technically be away!! All made worse by having to go to birmingham on friday for a training course, so got to get train at 6.30am!! gits!!!
anyway, lets cheer this blog up with some pretty pictures....
I got some wicked new Skull Candy Headphones, all black and gold and bling bling style, from Cyberdog, which was like going to a shopping centre version of Psycle- The best night in nottingham, if you don't mind a load of hippies and students and rave music

sorry for interupting the cool bits...but just remembered, Our fridge broke whilst we were in London, the whole thing defrosted, and our landlord is a cheap bastard and wont pay for a brand new one, for 99.00 but we have to wait for some dodgy electrician to deliver a 'reconditioned' fridge for 65.00 and we have to pay him then get paid back, but this bloke can't come till next week!!! grr!!! our cheap landlord also wont pay for the delivery fee that will get it up stairs so I have to drag it up stairs on my own!! Bastard...anyway... we have got a 'Mini Firdge' for some basics, but its a lot minier than we ever expected....
Broke Fridge (eew.....)

and Mini fridge, a biot of cheese and some sauasages!!! grr!!!!

this also means that my emergency bottle of Jagermeister is no longer Ice Cold!!! and no cold beer...i know I'm ill and and on lots of paracetmol stuff, but not having the option sucks!!!

anyway...back to the happy stuff...I found these ace biscuits in the shop, they have chocolate in them...they taste like those Choco Dip things, but without the mess....

also, caroline has made the start of getting her leg tattoo, by going to see Terry Stafford @ Bodycraft and getting a rockabilly pin up type leg piece, loosely based on tattoo's by Mitch O'Connel/Vince Ray/Frank Lozik, but should look gorgeous and make her even sexier than the little hell kitten on speed that she already is!!
I also made some cool pantiesd, that will soon be on caroline's (MEMBER=purplesiamese]'s ebay auctions, for around 4.99 so go buy some!!!! they are ace, even if I do say so myself!! but finally your Booty can be as cool as the rest of you!!!

and finally I will lieave you with some final thoughts....
1) There are some lovely people on this site, who are such good freinds to me, that I don't know if I oculd ever explain it, considering the limited times we've met, and to everyone who needs it, or just wants one, I send all my love and hugs!!!
2) Thankyou for putting up with my incessant picture taking and blogs
3) The more you meet and know the Mighty Bashter, the more random your blogs become!!
4) I have spent most of my time off watching and making porn DVD's for some of you guys!!! All I ask for in return is your booze and women
5) Please donate money to us, because....

On sunday woke up with eveil throat and got cold and stuff throughout the day, and then on monday gotr ready and left for work, and threw yup waiting for my tram, in public...it was nice to feel like the town drunk again, but not so good to feel ill!! And yesterday was still feeling pretty icky, and today I fully intended going to work, but just couldn't wake up at all, felt really bad, and just been feeling really drained, and going dizzy when i try and do stuff, and yesterday I was absolutely shattered from doing somehting really simple, like taking the rubbish out....
I am pretty sure its just a virus, and I have to go to work tomorrow, I dread to turn my mobile phone on and find out how many mesasages I have and, lots of emails, had so muich to do as well before I hav3e 2 weeks off, so now think i will have to go in on my holiday just to get stuff finished off, but hey ho, least I can go in jeans and technically be away!! All made worse by having to go to birmingham on friday for a training course, so got to get train at 6.30am!! gits!!!
anyway, lets cheer this blog up with some pretty pictures....
I got some wicked new Skull Candy Headphones, all black and gold and bling bling style, from Cyberdog, which was like going to a shopping centre version of Psycle- The best night in nottingham, if you don't mind a load of hippies and students and rave music

sorry for interupting the cool bits...but just remembered, Our fridge broke whilst we were in London, the whole thing defrosted, and our landlord is a cheap bastard and wont pay for a brand new one, for 99.00 but we have to wait for some dodgy electrician to deliver a 'reconditioned' fridge for 65.00 and we have to pay him then get paid back, but this bloke can't come till next week!!! grr!!! our cheap landlord also wont pay for the delivery fee that will get it up stairs so I have to drag it up stairs on my own!! Bastard...anyway... we have got a 'Mini Firdge' for some basics, but its a lot minier than we ever expected....
Broke Fridge (eew.....)

and Mini fridge, a biot of cheese and some sauasages!!! grr!!!!

this also means that my emergency bottle of Jagermeister is no longer Ice Cold!!! and no cold beer...i know I'm ill and and on lots of paracetmol stuff, but not having the option sucks!!!

anyway...back to the happy stuff...I found these ace biscuits in the shop, they have chocolate in them...they taste like those Choco Dip things, but without the mess....

also, caroline has made the start of getting her leg tattoo, by going to see Terry Stafford @ Bodycraft and getting a rockabilly pin up type leg piece, loosely based on tattoo's by Mitch O'Connel/Vince Ray/Frank Lozik, but should look gorgeous and make her even sexier than the little hell kitten on speed that she already is!!
I also made some cool pantiesd, that will soon be on caroline's (MEMBER=purplesiamese]'s ebay auctions, for around 4.99 so go buy some!!!! they are ace, even if I do say so myself!! but finally your Booty can be as cool as the rest of you!!!

and finally I will lieave you with some final thoughts....
1) There are some lovely people on this site, who are such good freinds to me, that I don't know if I oculd ever explain it, considering the limited times we've met, and to everyone who needs it, or just wants one, I send all my love and hugs!!!
2) Thankyou for putting up with my incessant picture taking and blogs
3) The more you meet and know the Mighty Bashter, the more random your blogs become!!
4) I have spent most of my time off watching and making porn DVD's for some of you guys!!! All I ask for in return is your booze and women

5) Please donate money to us, because....

I'm afraid my creativeness yesterday wasn't very good I just made loads of little Hello Kitty pictures to hang in the kitchen I'm sure mark will love those lol The Hello Kitty muff shaving didnt go too well lol too complicated but it sounded fantastic I see you have a very creative imagination
So when's this set being shot Do we get to wear your panties
hugs to you gorgeous
i also like your new headphones, pretty funky.
hope youa re feeling better now.. not nice being sick in public.. us biritsh tend to look and you funny, sigh and wander off.. rather than asking you if you are okay..