I'm back...
From a week in (actually was) Sunny Birmingham.... was actually quite impressed at how nice the city actually was, and My hotel was dead fancy with an Ipod lead to make it play through the telly...impressive...then went for a dump, and it comes through the hidden speakers in the bathroom...thats big pimpin'!!
Was an interesting 3 days, the trainer was very charismatic and funny, with a scottish accent, unfortunately a middle aged bald bloke...lol...good taste in tv and books and stuff, and appreciated a good burger, so that was pretty fun, buyt the rest of the group were mostly middle aged men, and 2 women, one a middle aged woman, the other a young thing, who has Humongous boobs, I was good and resited asking to feel, or trying to guess her bra size (am thinking 42H....)
The newsagent across the road had my favourite porno's, Voluptuous & XL Girls Magazines, which was good, as my good freind, and the only one to openly admit to missing me, bashter, would say, why paddle the streams when you can ride the rapids...
anyway, thanks to all those who commented on purplesiamese's set, on PSW, although she never gets as many as the americans, and I can never figure out why.....cos she is ace!!
anyway, am back now, so enjoy me, although hardly anyone comments on my journal anymore...lol...not that I'm attention seeking or anything...lol.....totally am though
From a week in (actually was) Sunny Birmingham.... was actually quite impressed at how nice the city actually was, and My hotel was dead fancy with an Ipod lead to make it play through the telly...impressive...then went for a dump, and it comes through the hidden speakers in the bathroom...thats big pimpin'!!
Was an interesting 3 days, the trainer was very charismatic and funny, with a scottish accent, unfortunately a middle aged bald bloke...lol...good taste in tv and books and stuff, and appreciated a good burger, so that was pretty fun, buyt the rest of the group were mostly middle aged men, and 2 women, one a middle aged woman, the other a young thing, who has Humongous boobs, I was good and resited asking to feel, or trying to guess her bra size (am thinking 42H....)
The newsagent across the road had my favourite porno's, Voluptuous & XL Girls Magazines, which was good, as my good freind, and the only one to openly admit to missing me, bashter, would say, why paddle the streams when you can ride the rapids...
anyway, thanks to all those who commented on purplesiamese's set, on PSW, although she never gets as many as the americans, and I can never figure out why.....cos she is ace!!
anyway, am back now, so enjoy me, although hardly anyone comments on my journal anymore...lol...not that I'm attention seeking or anything...lol.....totally am though
Not long to saturday Whooooohoooo i can't wait
lol the only time i ever clean up is when we have visitors which is about once a year lol Why bother lifes for living not cleaning up that's what i say Why does it take all day to clean up then about half an hour to return it ti it's original state lol You might as well just save your energy for better things
I have been out shopping for a new outfit for the weekend Even though i won't wear it lol and i found a cute little snow white dress only it's a short sexy version it made me think of you for some reason lol