Werhoo...what a fantabulous weekend...
Spent saturday in Leeds with the birthday boy, bashter, his lovely lady chomper, the very funny and cool lock and his fabulous girl libra, all the while being accompanied by the always hotter than hell purplesiamese.... spent lots of time eating aty Hard Rock Cafe Leeds (who have much better waitresses than nottingham, and the skirts seemed shorter) damn they do some good nachos, and lots of them as well, followed by a good hearty (heart destroying) burger, and helping lock finish the biggest side order of onion rings ever.....all in abundance and lovely, fantastic food!! with even more fantastic company!!
Went to a few bars, which were quite cool, especially the old mans pub with an ecclectic jukebox, and then to the Cockpit, all though not a massive party, as we are old and fell asleep...lol
Had my interview on Friday, seemed positive, so fingers crossed, should hear something by the end of the week, just want a real job with better pay, and something i can make a career out of!!
Anyway Payday has been, and followed sharply by bills day...bastards!!
and currently cooking some nice smelling dinner, hioping it tastes as good as its smelling at the moment!!
other than that not much to say....ooh masterchef is on....
Muchos Love, and see you all again soon!!
Spent saturday in Leeds with the birthday boy, bashter, his lovely lady chomper, the very funny and cool lock and his fabulous girl libra, all the while being accompanied by the always hotter than hell purplesiamese.... spent lots of time eating aty Hard Rock Cafe Leeds (who have much better waitresses than nottingham, and the skirts seemed shorter) damn they do some good nachos, and lots of them as well, followed by a good hearty (heart destroying) burger, and helping lock finish the biggest side order of onion rings ever.....all in abundance and lovely, fantastic food!! with even more fantastic company!!
Went to a few bars, which were quite cool, especially the old mans pub with an ecclectic jukebox, and then to the Cockpit, all though not a massive party, as we are old and fell asleep...lol

Had my interview on Friday, seemed positive, so fingers crossed, should hear something by the end of the week, just want a real job with better pay, and something i can make a career out of!!
Anyway Payday has been, and followed sharply by bills day...bastards!!
and currently cooking some nice smelling dinner, hioping it tastes as good as its smelling at the moment!!
other than that not much to say....ooh masterchef is on....

Muchos Love, and see you all again soon!!
I'm so happy to have such special friends
I think next year we are going to have to make Mark change his birthday so it is not right at the end of the month, I really needed my paycheque! But we should definitely go back to the hard rock cafe
See you soon mate