WERHOO!! purplesiamese is back in two nights!! cant wait!! i'm gonna get laid, i'm gonna get laid...****does stupid dance on the chair****
and i get to just snuggle up on our new sofa with her, and she is all warm and cuddly tastic!!
i would like to thank cerephina for getting me ludicrously drunk, and posing some importnat questions on sunday, mainly, do vegans swallow? and do people who look like jesus have jesus powers?
would just like to state how much work does in fact suck, today i was so very very very very close to just calling it quits and walking out.....i need to find me some new and interesting (or slightly less crap) way to make enough money to keep a roof over my head, and food in my belly (although could probably do well from not eating for a little while).
and only 1 week to see libra for her birthday and have what should be an awesome time, also the Goose Fair is on, so hopefully can take carolione till we throw up candy floss and mushy peas!!
and until then i will leave you with this feeling....
and i get to just snuggle up on our new sofa with her, and she is all warm and cuddly tastic!!
i would like to thank cerephina for getting me ludicrously drunk, and posing some importnat questions on sunday, mainly, do vegans swallow? and do people who look like jesus have jesus powers?
would just like to state how much work does in fact suck, today i was so very very very very close to just calling it quits and walking out.....i need to find me some new and interesting (or slightly less crap) way to make enough money to keep a roof over my head, and food in my belly (although could probably do well from not eating for a little while).
and only 1 week to see libra for her birthday and have what should be an awesome time, also the Goose Fair is on, so hopefully can take carolione till we throw up candy floss and mushy peas!!
and until then i will leave you with this feeling....

yay move to london!!!! to expensive but you'll be in london!!!
I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels like the horde is advancing!
Hope we get to see you again soon.