Well Ive had my orders so I thought I better update
Has usual Im a man of little words so this is going to be short and sweet.
Im off to Manchester at the weekend to see the Skintech Expo international tattoo show with the lovely lady Amanda and hopefully the drop dead gorgeous Demosthenes if he doesn't chicken out
. You can now all place your bets which one out of the three of us will end up with brand spanking new Tattoo
Anyway enough chat heres the pics
Takecare of yourselves out there people

Has usual Im a man of little words so this is going to be short and sweet.

Im off to Manchester at the weekend to see the Skintech Expo international tattoo show with the lovely lady Amanda and hopefully the drop dead gorgeous Demosthenes if he doesn't chicken out

Anyway enough chat heres the pics

Takecare of yourselves out there people

regardless i should have one, simply coz i am Devon! other that! im not bothered if you update! it's Amanda that should update!!
i don't remember taking a pic of gary!
at least you admit your a goth!