Look who I found in the kitchen last night. I found him near the fridge, Im sure he thought it was self service . Lucky for me he's one of mine or I may have been a bit freaked out to find a five foot snake in my kitchen. I wouldn't mind so much but the puppy keeps letting him out of his vivarium, (twice in one week). I need to make his viv dog proof me thinks . Oden is also probably the thickest snake out of the lot so it was fortunate it was him who got free and not Venger cause he's a super stealthy snake who can go missing for up to a year. One year I found Venger up the tree in the front garden . The moral of this story is "If you don't like snakes dont live next door to me and Amanda" .
Oooo it also came with a 3 yr international extended warranty!
please excuse me, while i run around my tiny room like a retard in a giddy mess