Shit Im bored, but worse than that Im lazy and can't be arsed to write anything. Oh well

OK heres a little thought for you. I believe cats are intelligent beings sent down from another planet to take over the earth by pretending to be sweet cute and adorable little fur balls while in reality they are actually an elite highly trained army. They just sit on our laps waiting for the signal to wipe us off the face of the planet and take over for once and for all.
Think about it theyve been here for years, who do you think built the pyramids, the Egyptians NO it was the cats, and what happened to the Egyptians? The cats ate them.

Oh and one more thing, T Rex once like us thought he ruled the earth that was untill he met Mr Tiddles the ginger tom who pussy whiped him and his friends into extinction. So let this be a warning to you all, don't come crying to me when your facing kitty oblivion.

doesn't he live in the UK now?
regardless, it'll be cool if you could meet him! i must see a pic of you acting all giddy infront of him, fainting is also acceptable
Bateman, batman, natural progression! regardless bale rules!
Edit: how's your lady's job hunting going? if i were you i'd hit up another kelly for a job
[Edited on Jan 19, 2005 9:14PM]