Don't sing me lullabies
I won't close my eyes,
I can't close my eyes
It's true,
I'm doomed
'til dawn
shines through
Got too many things to do
Got friends to see,
I can't miss a thing
It's true,
I'm through
I'm screwed,
I won't close my eyes, I can't close my eyes,
I never close my eyes
You see, they're always there with funny hair,
Oh, I'm so scared
It happens to me every night
Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me
They always want to take a bite
Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me
And if you think this isn't real
I'll show you wounds that never heal
To them I'm just a happy meal
Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me
Make the coffee black as night
Help me through the night
I know their appetite for me
I'm meat
but I'm sweet
as can be
And if I do too much booze
I begin to snooze
I hear the big old floppy shoes
It's true,
I'm stew,
I won't close my eyes, I can't close my eyes,
I never close my eyes
See, they're always there with that funny hair,
Oh, I'm so scared
It happens to me every night
Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me
They always want to take a bite
Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me
And if you think this isn't real
I'll show you wounds that never heal
To them I'm just a happy meal
Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me
Lyrics By Alice Cooper.
Clowns have freaked me out for year ever since I saw Poltergeist when I was a wee nipper. The part where the young boys clown vanishes from the chair at the bottom of his bed and the next minute its jumping from under his bed and throttling the kid. I say the damn kid deserved it for keeping such a nasty fucking thing in the first palce

What gives you the eebie jeebies and why?
my short terms really shit, i can't process anything, hence the spelling! long terms very good, just V V V V abstract, i remember weird things, i think i have the complete works of Aristotle, Greek mythology and about 7 languages i don't use!
not to mention 15 yr old directions
Girly bonding was fuuuun! New undies bought and everything yay!