I have a book coming out soon, no I said that wrong there is a book coming out which as some of my photoshopogrphy in it
and features the lovely Amanda. Its called "Hot Voyeur Secrets" and its published by Edition Skylight. So far I dont know exactly what pictures they have chosen or how many will feature in the book. You see this all happened a year ago when I sent a disk of my work off to them and they said they are interested in useing my work in book featuring lots of artist and photographers. Months then go by and I thought that was the end of it but then I recieve an email from the editor stating that they have chosen "lots" of photos and I need to send them a portriat picture of myself (obviously) and fill out a questionair. Then again months go by and suddenly I get a contract through the post for me to sign. The contract states that I will be paid for my work in copies of the book which are worth 25 each so ebay here I come
. I still don't have clue which work they have used but Im fickle when it comes to my own work so I probably wont like it anyway
Heres the selling jargon for the book:-
"Photographing a woman as if she were unaware of it is the philosophy of voyeurism"
Bob Guccione/Penthouse
"Seeing is enjoying, seeing is deflowering" Jean-Paul Sartre
If its true to say that theres something of the voyeur in everyone, this must especially apply both to the naturally inquisitive and to the worlds talented photographers. When the latter focus on the sensuous world of erotic photography, the images they create ooze excitement, and exhibit an indefinable turned-on quality, perfectly capturing the moment the model seems unaware she is being observed. This new collection features more than 30 photographers, all of whom capture the instant the model is utterly relaxed and completely unselfconscious.
Now all I have to do it wait for my copies to come through the door

Heres the selling jargon for the book:-
"Photographing a woman as if she were unaware of it is the philosophy of voyeurism"
Bob Guccione/Penthouse
"Seeing is enjoying, seeing is deflowering" Jean-Paul Sartre
If its true to say that theres something of the voyeur in everyone, this must especially apply both to the naturally inquisitive and to the worlds talented photographers. When the latter focus on the sensuous world of erotic photography, the images they create ooze excitement, and exhibit an indefinable turned-on quality, perfectly capturing the moment the model seems unaware she is being observed. This new collection features more than 30 photographers, all of whom capture the instant the model is utterly relaxed and completely unselfconscious.
Now all I have to do it wait for my copies to come through the door


Congratulations let hope this brings many more opportunities

so do i get to pester you about updating your journal now?