Whilst cleaning out the attic and getting covered in dead mans dust (yes thats where my name came from) of the yet to be moved into new house (don't ask its a long story) the lovely Amanda found some long lost treasure. No not of the golden variety but of the photographic type, you see her great uncle (who's house it once was) was a bit of a budding photographer and liked to take photos of lovely naked ladies
. Now I have a small (but well formed) collection of B&W nudes dateing from the 1960s in my possession which a can't resist introducing to 21st century technology
Photographs by K. Moss photoshopping by me

Photographs by K. Moss photoshopping by me

Thanks for the Hug! I needed that 

yea i got some rest and today i am feeling much better. its still a little scary to think about though