Dear Drivers in the greater St. Petersburg/Clearwater/Tampa area,
Let's pull our heads out of our asses shall we?
Learn how a 4 way stop works. It's not that hard. Everyone takes their turn in a clockwise fashion starting on the right. Not that complicated.
On I-275, the speed limit is 65. The lowest is 40. Generally people like to go 80-90. If you do feel the need to go 45mph please do so the far right hand lane. That's the slow people lane. Stay there. Do not move alllll the way over to the left hand lane and then wonder why everyone gets pissed.
If I happen to be going slower than you, please do not ride my ass. Esp. if I do happen to be in the slow people lane. I'm in the slow people lane for a reason. I'm going slower than you. Deal with it.
Blinkers were put on cars for a reason. Use them. And if you do use them, use them properly please. I'm not a mind reader. I do not know that you want to be in my lane. Do not be pissed at me for honking my horn if you almost side swipe me while moving into my lane without using your blinker. Oh and, it doesn't help to turn it on
after you've moved.
Red means stop. Green means go. When the light does change to green and you do not move, I have every right to honk my horn at you to let you know "hey, the light is green now and I'd like to go". There is no reason for you to roll down your window and yell at me and call me a bitch.
I think if we can make these improvements to our driving skills, we will all be happy and have fewer accidents.
Thank you.
So, I've been thinking a lot about what I want to be when I grow up. And I made a list of ten things.
1. Medical Examiner
Need to go to medical school 4 years pre-med 4 years med. Being honest, I def. don't have the disicpline to go through 8 years of schooling. Maybe I could go through pre-med and get a job as an assiatant or something. That'd still be fucking awesome.'s the deal
1. After high school the future forensic pathologist attends undergraduate college for 4 years and receives a bachelors degree.
2. After undergraduate college the aspiring forensic pathologist spends 4 years in medical school, earning an M.D. or D.O. degree.
3. After medical school there are several routes by which one may become a forensic pathologist.
One may spend 4 years training in anatomic & clinical pathology followed by 1 year of fellowship in forensic pathology.
A second option is to train for 3 years in anatomic pathology and train for 1 year in forensic pathology. The fellowship training in forensic pathology involves practical (on-the-job) experience supervised by trained forensic pathologists. The forensic pathology fellow actually performs autopsies and participates in death investigation. To become certified, one then must pass an examination given by the American Board of Pathology certifying special competence in forensic pathology.
Now all I need to do is find out where I could study at and where I could do my residency at....hmmm...
Damn good money. Damn good. It just depends on the county at which you work, but I do believe the average is $150,000/yr. But you also must campaign and be voted as county medical examiner.
2. Blood Splatter Analyst
Basic forensics (which when I was in school for that, I totally kicked ass at it!). The only problem is, I would have to move out of FL because there's a two years wait list for an interview and then another wait list for a job after that.
Average around 38,000. Once again, depending on where you work.
3. Free Lance Photographer
4. Art Gallery Owner/Director
5. Fashion Photographer
6. Graphic Designer
7. Art History Professor (with phd)
8. Trophy Wife
9. Moritican
So I could only come up with 9. Whatever. As time goes on, I plan on researching ever item and finding out what type of schooling I need, how long it will take to get my degree, or whatever, and so on and so forth.
Let's pull our heads out of our asses shall we?
Learn how a 4 way stop works. It's not that hard. Everyone takes their turn in a clockwise fashion starting on the right. Not that complicated.
On I-275, the speed limit is 65. The lowest is 40. Generally people like to go 80-90. If you do feel the need to go 45mph please do so the far right hand lane. That's the slow people lane. Stay there. Do not move alllll the way over to the left hand lane and then wonder why everyone gets pissed.
If I happen to be going slower than you, please do not ride my ass. Esp. if I do happen to be in the slow people lane. I'm in the slow people lane for a reason. I'm going slower than you. Deal with it.
Blinkers were put on cars for a reason. Use them. And if you do use them, use them properly please. I'm not a mind reader. I do not know that you want to be in my lane. Do not be pissed at me for honking my horn if you almost side swipe me while moving into my lane without using your blinker. Oh and, it doesn't help to turn it on
after you've moved.
Red means stop. Green means go. When the light does change to green and you do not move, I have every right to honk my horn at you to let you know "hey, the light is green now and I'd like to go". There is no reason for you to roll down your window and yell at me and call me a bitch.
I think if we can make these improvements to our driving skills, we will all be happy and have fewer accidents.
Thank you.
So, I've been thinking a lot about what I want to be when I grow up. And I made a list of ten things.
1. Medical Examiner
Need to go to medical school 4 years pre-med 4 years med. Being honest, I def. don't have the disicpline to go through 8 years of schooling. Maybe I could go through pre-med and get a job as an assiatant or something. That'd still be fucking awesome.'s the deal
1. After high school the future forensic pathologist attends undergraduate college for 4 years and receives a bachelors degree.
2. After undergraduate college the aspiring forensic pathologist spends 4 years in medical school, earning an M.D. or D.O. degree.
3. After medical school there are several routes by which one may become a forensic pathologist.
One may spend 4 years training in anatomic & clinical pathology followed by 1 year of fellowship in forensic pathology.
A second option is to train for 3 years in anatomic pathology and train for 1 year in forensic pathology. The fellowship training in forensic pathology involves practical (on-the-job) experience supervised by trained forensic pathologists. The forensic pathology fellow actually performs autopsies and participates in death investigation. To become certified, one then must pass an examination given by the American Board of Pathology certifying special competence in forensic pathology.
Now all I need to do is find out where I could study at and where I could do my residency at....hmmm...
Damn good money. Damn good. It just depends on the county at which you work, but I do believe the average is $150,000/yr. But you also must campaign and be voted as county medical examiner.
2. Blood Splatter Analyst
Basic forensics (which when I was in school for that, I totally kicked ass at it!). The only problem is, I would have to move out of FL because there's a two years wait list for an interview and then another wait list for a job after that.
Average around 38,000. Once again, depending on where you work.
3. Free Lance Photographer
4. Art Gallery Owner/Director
5. Fashion Photographer
6. Graphic Designer
7. Art History Professor (with phd)
8. Trophy Wife
9. Moritican
So I could only come up with 9. Whatever. As time goes on, I plan on researching ever item and finding out what type of schooling I need, how long it will take to get my degree, or whatever, and so on and so forth.
I started college with the intention of being a medical examiner, but after 2 years pre-med I decided to be a photographer. I didn't have the discipline either. And art school is hella fun.