ugh, I am insanely busy at the moment, most likely due to all the procrastinating I have done recently, but as I keep telling myself, I work best under pressure.
I got assessed at work so I can handle shifts on my own and my hours immediately doubled and it will get worse cos one of the other projectionists just quit. Plus the actual work load has increased due to things like matrix coming in and the rereleases of jeepers creepers 2 and Donnie darko and stuff, stresses me out a little cos Its all such a waste of time. grr.
Saturday night was Ants leaving do, I will miss him being around soo much, just before I left he hugged me and said 'i wish I could tell you how much I love you' Ill just not make any assumptions about what he may have meant
Just come back from 2 days in London with John, just getting drunk and catching up. He's going to come back to run my store for me next month! Im so happy, things ARE beginning to turn good, really good.
Have decided to stick with littleLoco
sounds better I think. Tonight I really have to do some work for my animation but I also want to finish my new dreads and go preview matrix revolutions...hmmm...
I got assessed at work so I can handle shifts on my own and my hours immediately doubled and it will get worse cos one of the other projectionists just quit. Plus the actual work load has increased due to things like matrix coming in and the rereleases of jeepers creepers 2 and Donnie darko and stuff, stresses me out a little cos Its all such a waste of time. grr.
Saturday night was Ants leaving do, I will miss him being around soo much, just before I left he hugged me and said 'i wish I could tell you how much I love you' Ill just not make any assumptions about what he may have meant

Just come back from 2 days in London with John, just getting drunk and catching up. He's going to come back to run my store for me next month! Im so happy, things ARE beginning to turn good, really good.
Have decided to stick with littleLoco

oh you are a busy little beaver!
thank you for all the wonderful help. ive decided to get the bright purple and a dark bright blue. i have some one who will put them in for me, for cheap!
I am moving to england just so i can hang out with you!
hehehe i wish. but if i ever come a visitin i definitely will wanna hang out. we have been talking about a trip to england. there is much i want to see there.
i dont even really care where. all i have ever seen was the fricking highway to the airport, (from heathrow to gatwick) and the insides of the airports!
i wanna go to york, london, bath, blackpool, etc. etc. etc.
oh well.. hope to hear from ya soon. take care !!!