yay! i am no longer grey but i will remain crap at paying my credit card Im sure. Things have been ok lately, been spending a bit more time with friends and stuff and been talking to John heaps on the phone who sounds more and more likely to be back here by christmas
plus my mum is on aout buying a house in the area I live in so I can rent it off her when my lease expires.
Got a pissy letter from my tutor today bitching cos my attendance is so poor and telling me to go find the head of the school. wicked. Im debating whether I should tell them that all I want is a degree, I dont care about classes or presentations, if simply collecting a brief and handing in a film can get me a 2.1 like it did last year thats all I'm interested in and i would appreciate it if i could be left the fuck alone. But maybe that would not work in my favour.
Saw my old boss in town today, havent seen him in a year cos he'd been travelling, it was wicked seeing him again, I have missed talking to him so much. He has a sympathetic ear.

Got a pissy letter from my tutor today bitching cos my attendance is so poor and telling me to go find the head of the school. wicked. Im debating whether I should tell them that all I want is a degree, I dont care about classes or presentations, if simply collecting a brief and handing in a film can get me a 2.1 like it did last year thats all I'm interested in and i would appreciate it if i could be left the fuck alone. But maybe that would not work in my favour.

Saw my old boss in town today, havent seen him in a year cos he'd been travelling, it was wicked seeing him again, I have missed talking to him so much. He has a sympathetic ear.
i like chocolate. but, I was trying to find a stimulant without the side effects of caffiene. Maybe I should be a diet pill junkie?
Nope. never