I still cant sleep, Insomnia is back in full force. Last time I had this I realised I was depressed, bored and Lonely in Plymouth. Katrina asked me if I thought it was cos of anything like that this time and I said no but later realised I was wrong and promptly started crying...how lame.
I know it wont stay like this forever things will change whether it's cos I have made them or simply because everything does pass but fuck I am so down.
Someone started a topic on here once about how there were like 2 paths in life - you could either be alone and pioneering or static and have friends and I cant help thinking I picked the wrong path. I have been pining for people I have felt close to even the ones that were bad for me, Im a fool for being so hostile sometimes cos now it hurts like a bitch.

Someone started a topic on here once about how there were like 2 paths in life - you could either be alone and pioneering or static and have friends and I cant help thinking I picked the wrong path. I have been pining for people I have felt close to even the ones that were bad for me, Im a fool for being so hostile sometimes cos now it hurts like a bitch.

forehead horizontal
but don't do it for too long else your neck will get quite sore
lovely lady things will get better, and pioneering will offer you so much more than being static and "comfortable" in the long run
here's to the pioneers
xx ngnm xx
I guess i move around to much to have loads of friends in the one spot , but i have a good national spread of quality friends , which is nice.
I also am to into my career to settle down anywhere , but like you i cant help but think that that is maybe more important that success , and i could wake up some morning and find somthing is missing and its too late to get it back.