Its 3.15 in the morning, guess my sleep patterns are all fucked up again. Supposed to go enroll at uni tomorrow but I might skip it and enrol after they send a letter asking for the fees. Plus I have a shift at the cinema starting at 2pm so gotta save my energy ya know. Things are in life are still kinda sedate at the moment and as I result I keep getting anxious about how I should be living a more interesting life. being a bit more creative with my time, making more effort to see friends, but I'm lacking the motivation at the moment and using the business as an excuse to put everything off. I'm dying to go travelling again, wanna do a road trip round the states and see jungles and stuff in asia and more cities in Europe. Even another trip to see Jay in Wales would suffice! but I picked the boring option in the hope it will buy me financial freedom (?) at some point. I feel like such a grown up!
Im declaring myself a retail pirate tho as i see the paranoia materialise in HMV, Mark and Ninja have caught on to the fact I'm stealing members of their staff but dont know who or when I'll be taking them. captain Loco of the good ship Ray-Gun!
I put my dreads back in too, and am having my puter fixed so i will be able to post new pics soon. I was wondering a bit lost round one of the shadier areas of the city today thinking I wasn't gonna escape without some twat yelling something at me. I heard a car horn and looked up to see a black dude with dreads smiling and waving at me. cool.
I have narrowed down the options for the film I have to make this year. Either a 3D animation of a poem like the raven or something. Or an effects based film involving a carpet that eats a man or a spinal tap style documentary of 'miss undead 2003'? any input? Im still pretty doubtful of all of them
Im declaring myself a retail pirate tho as i see the paranoia materialise in HMV, Mark and Ninja have caught on to the fact I'm stealing members of their staff but dont know who or when I'll be taking them. captain Loco of the good ship Ray-Gun!
I put my dreads back in too, and am having my puter fixed so i will be able to post new pics soon. I was wondering a bit lost round one of the shadier areas of the city today thinking I wasn't gonna escape without some twat yelling something at me. I heard a car horn and looked up to see a black dude with dreads smiling and waving at me. cool.
I have narrowed down the options for the film I have to make this year. Either a 3D animation of a poem like the raven or something. Or an effects based film involving a carpet that eats a man or a spinal tap style documentary of 'miss undead 2003'? any input? Im still pretty doubtful of all of them
dreads dreads dreads, woooooo!
miss undead sounds interesting
oh i am so ill right now
i feel ok when i lie perfectly still, anything else hurts like hell
so i missed lectures and shit
i'm thinking the fuckbuddy situation is going to be ok
i've not been anything but honest with him and so if it all fucks up i'm sure it will fix itself again in time
he came over to run me a bath and read to me yesterday, looking after me and my sickness boyfriend stylee
i wasn't complaining
laters captain loco