So London was good, David drove as all down and we headed straight for Camden, spent a weird few minutes in the market before heading for the pub and then switching to a different pub and sitting with some more of Simons friends who just seemed to be wanky london types, if that's not too offensive. Simon suggested the Old Blue Last over his TopShop Party as the the next stop despite the fact that it would be full of more wanky london types and was really far from home but he insisted and offered to pay for a Taxi back so we went and it was worth it even though it really didn't differ much from the last place we were in. Gaz's low level narcolepsy kicked in soon after he drank a shot of sambuca, I drank my first ever shot of tequila and probably only got away with drinking it without throwing up because I tipped it too quickly and half of it spilled over the corners of my mouth and all over my chin, sexy I know but no one seemed to notice. 
We were too late for the waffle man at finsbury park which was disappointing, next time waffle man, next time...
On Sunday I don't think David was feeling too good, so we just got breakfast, watched half of Superman Returns and headed home. He stuck around at ours though for ham and cheese toasties and X factor.
The rest of that week I was trying to finish my summer project - A city with buildings spelling out my name, being destroyed by Godzilla and a Robot. - Cleaning the house up a bit and mooching around with AJB since he finished his job on the Thursday. I didn't quite finish the model, not until Sunday night anyway, I got way in to papercraft in the process of making it, I found a guy on the internet who had made a bumble bee transformer from a KFC bucket and some chopsticks. I'm gonna start a new blog somewhere to record my time at uni and list all the links to these things.
Speaking of Uni, the first week is now behind me and I'm glad. I moved in to Halls on Saturday afternoon, amazingly there is someone older than me living there, he's 33! I'm on the ground floor which sucks but the people in my flat seem really nice, everyone so far is cleaning up after themselves and being pretty considerate. We went to one of the freshers parties on Saturday night and played Quasar till everything ached. Monday was registration and for the first time ever I actually don't hate my ID photo. There are arounf 100 people on the course at the moment, I think a fairly high proportion are expected to drop out by year 2. I used my summer project to claim my space in the studio and checked out some of the others, there were some really awesome ones, like this girl had made a tornado with all the letters of her name in it plus an oil tanker and stuff, but mine stood up I think. Over the week we did some projects in groups just to get us working together and stuff, the first was to build a tower out of dried spaghetti with only wine gums for glue, it had to be as close to 2m tall as you could get it. We did alright 1.8 m and the people I was working with were really nice. I've met a few people who are less cool but I'm putting it down to the age difference. Not many people have spotted me as older yet though, I tend to get a gasp of surprise when I say I'm 26 so that's kinda cool.
This week has been kinda scarey cos it's been so long since I've put myself through so much change but everything that has happened so far has told me that I have made the right decision and all the poverty and awkwardness will be worth it if I put the work in. raa.
AJB has been awesome this week, I stepped on my debit card and snapped it in 2 before we left so he has paid for everything and sat being bored in my room all day while I'm out only to patiently listen to me ramble on about pasta and people with dreadlocks all night. He even tooke me out for an awesome dinner and a movie on wednesday night.
I'm at home for the weekend and for the first time in ages, don't really have that much to do.

We were too late for the waffle man at finsbury park which was disappointing, next time waffle man, next time...
On Sunday I don't think David was feeling too good, so we just got breakfast, watched half of Superman Returns and headed home. He stuck around at ours though for ham and cheese toasties and X factor.
The rest of that week I was trying to finish my summer project - A city with buildings spelling out my name, being destroyed by Godzilla and a Robot. - Cleaning the house up a bit and mooching around with AJB since he finished his job on the Thursday. I didn't quite finish the model, not until Sunday night anyway, I got way in to papercraft in the process of making it, I found a guy on the internet who had made a bumble bee transformer from a KFC bucket and some chopsticks. I'm gonna start a new blog somewhere to record my time at uni and list all the links to these things.
Speaking of Uni, the first week is now behind me and I'm glad. I moved in to Halls on Saturday afternoon, amazingly there is someone older than me living there, he's 33! I'm on the ground floor which sucks but the people in my flat seem really nice, everyone so far is cleaning up after themselves and being pretty considerate. We went to one of the freshers parties on Saturday night and played Quasar till everything ached. Monday was registration and for the first time ever I actually don't hate my ID photo. There are arounf 100 people on the course at the moment, I think a fairly high proportion are expected to drop out by year 2. I used my summer project to claim my space in the studio and checked out some of the others, there were some really awesome ones, like this girl had made a tornado with all the letters of her name in it plus an oil tanker and stuff, but mine stood up I think. Over the week we did some projects in groups just to get us working together and stuff, the first was to build a tower out of dried spaghetti with only wine gums for glue, it had to be as close to 2m tall as you could get it. We did alright 1.8 m and the people I was working with were really nice. I've met a few people who are less cool but I'm putting it down to the age difference. Not many people have spotted me as older yet though, I tend to get a gasp of surprise when I say I'm 26 so that's kinda cool.
This week has been kinda scarey cos it's been so long since I've put myself through so much change but everything that has happened so far has told me that I have made the right decision and all the poverty and awkwardness will be worth it if I put the work in. raa.
AJB has been awesome this week, I stepped on my debit card and snapped it in 2 before we left so he has paid for everything and sat being bored in my room all day while I'm out only to patiently listen to me ramble on about pasta and people with dreadlocks all night. He even tooke me out for an awesome dinner and a movie on wednesday night.
I'm at home for the weekend and for the first time in ages, don't really have that much to do.
Have fun at uni and i hope you have a great time