Bleh, sick and tired of things at the moment
if ever I read anyones Journal on this site where they are talking about how down they feel I will often tell them that life moves in waves and that you cant experience the peaks without the troughs. And here I find myself in a trough. Nothing is actually wrong, I dont have anything to pity myself for I'm just sick of this equi librium and am awaiting change.
Cant wait to leave this house, its quite frustrating. I was daunted for a while at the prospect of how isolated living all alone will make me until I thought that I will be around people all day everyday which will probably save me from becoming some insane little hermit woman keeping stray cats and pigeons for friends and buying nothing but hair nets and dog food at the supermarket.
I am ready to quit my job, really I should wait till I have a signed lease in my hand, but the solicitor seems to think it will be very straight forward and given that I am supposed to help put out the October Sale tomorrow night (the last one took till 1 am) I cant be bothered and am just gonna walk. My cinema job is cool and provides me with just enough cash to stay afloat til I can start paying myself a wage and get my student loan through.
Apologies to everyone who comments on my journal for how slack I'm being with replies at the moment and thanks cos I love all your comments

Cant wait to leave this house, its quite frustrating. I was daunted for a while at the prospect of how isolated living all alone will make me until I thought that I will be around people all day everyday which will probably save me from becoming some insane little hermit woman keeping stray cats and pigeons for friends and buying nothing but hair nets and dog food at the supermarket.

I am ready to quit my job, really I should wait till I have a signed lease in my hand, but the solicitor seems to think it will be very straight forward and given that I am supposed to help put out the October Sale tomorrow night (the last one took till 1 am) I cant be bothered and am just gonna walk. My cinema job is cool and provides me with just enough cash to stay afloat til I can start paying myself a wage and get my student loan through.
Apologies to everyone who comments on my journal for how slack I'm being with replies at the moment and thanks cos I love all your comments

Which uni are you off to?