The disciplinary was all pushed through in one day (Friday) they did not sack Dave though came within an inch of it apparently. The GM says he is in a 'straight jacket' as in his final written warning and this will last for the rest of his time with the company. If he displays anything but exemplary professional behaviour he'll be out. He said during the investigation they uncovered loads and loads of stuff that shone a very poor light on Dave so I guess he has only hung on because of the length of time he's been there (30 years) and all the pleas I put in to the stuff I submitted saying he should be kept on. So he's back at work on Monday, though I will not see him then but I will cross over with him on Tuesday, which, all of a sudden is my final shift. He said he is really worried about seeing me again since he will not know how to interact with me and I'm not sure if that means he wants to punch me in the face or what but I guess we'll see. I'm not sure what to do either. Apologising isn't the right thing because he put himself through all this crap, I guess I would only really have been sorry if he got the sack. I don't know, we will probably just say nothing at all and that will be that.
So Friday was a weird day. I could really feel the turn of the wheel if you know what I mean. The last three weeks have made me feel a lot more involved in the place I work and it feels like a bigger wrench to be leaving now. This is the first time I have not had a job in 6 years and the cinema did allow me a great life. I even felt like I was achieving a bit more towards the end cos I eventually found some focus on stuff outside of it but the whole uni thing is more important and is the right thing to do. I will meet equally nice people (maybe) and achieve more in the end....I think.
I think once I start I will write to Lord Tuffett twice a week begging for a loan. Since the government are paying exactly what they would be paying anyway, just refusing me a stupid loan, the idea of which, of course is that I am legally bound to pay it back. It worked in the shawshank redemption right?
I am going to see Sparta and yourcodenameis:milo on wednesday and Frank Turner & Jonah in a couple of weeks. I'm so excited, It seems like ages since I have been to a gig eep!
So Friday was a weird day. I could really feel the turn of the wheel if you know what I mean. The last three weeks have made me feel a lot more involved in the place I work and it feels like a bigger wrench to be leaving now. This is the first time I have not had a job in 6 years and the cinema did allow me a great life. I even felt like I was achieving a bit more towards the end cos I eventually found some focus on stuff outside of it but the whole uni thing is more important and is the right thing to do. I will meet equally nice people (maybe) and achieve more in the end....I think.

I think once I start I will write to Lord Tuffett twice a week begging for a loan. Since the government are paying exactly what they would be paying anyway, just refusing me a stupid loan, the idea of which, of course is that I am legally bound to pay it back. It worked in the shawshank redemption right?
I am going to see Sparta and yourcodenameis:milo on wednesday and Frank Turner & Jonah in a couple of weeks. I'm so excited, It seems like ages since I have been to a gig eep!