Dave is still suspended. The GM said there was a lot of consistency between what I had said in my complaint and what others said when questioned so they are giving him a disciplinary hearing, the outcome of which could still see him sacked. I also thought they might demote him from Chief tech which would be better but who knows.
I had a really good day today because the word is out about my leaving and lots of people are asking me about it and saying really nice things like they wished they'd got more chance to get to know me better and stuff which now makes me really sad that I also never really made the effort and was a bit scared to go and talk to everyone on the floor. So I made the effort today and it was awesome. I work with lovely people -- I think I over used the word 'really' there.
My overtime so far comes to 641 before tax, yay! But they rehired a former technician this week so my hours are back to normal. But former technician thinks disciplinary procedures take ages so I may still have chance to earn the extra money I need to buy a new camera and cover the 90 I just spent on new jeans.
I read Christopher Reeves biography last week and V for Vendetta for the first time over the last 2 days.
I found a monkey in the street round the corner from my house. You know what that is? ...Karma, that's what, it's a response to my monkey being stolen a few months ago. It's a PG tips monkey and has a little white T-shirt that says 'chimp'
I had a really good day today because the word is out about my leaving and lots of people are asking me about it and saying really nice things like they wished they'd got more chance to get to know me better and stuff which now makes me really sad that I also never really made the effort and was a bit scared to go and talk to everyone on the floor. So I made the effort today and it was awesome. I work with lovely people -- I think I over used the word 'really' there.
My overtime so far comes to 641 before tax, yay! But they rehired a former technician this week so my hours are back to normal. But former technician thinks disciplinary procedures take ages so I may still have chance to earn the extra money I need to buy a new camera and cover the 90 I just spent on new jeans.
I read Christopher Reeves biography last week and V for Vendetta for the first time over the last 2 days.
I found a monkey in the street round the corner from my house. You know what that is? ...Karma, that's what, it's a response to my monkey being stolen a few months ago. It's a PG tips monkey and has a little white T-shirt that says 'chimp'

Glad to see your work life is getting better. Hope you get the camera you want