Well, I really haven't done much with my 2 weeks holiday. I am so easily distracted and have spent a lot of time procrastinating 'usefully' mm hmm
This involves knowing very well that there are important tasks that you must be doing and instead doing other things like washing up and tidying the bedroom.
Money has also been a bit of a problem since the changes at work did not go through, dumb fuck projectionists union! what do they want? It essentially leaves me about 500 short of what I thought I was going to have when I started Uni, although my fretting over this problem did not stop me purchasing a new top with space invaders on it or make me find an alternative to Starbucks to eat lunch during a day out on wednesday.
The video is going slooooowly given all the procrastination and distraction but here is a sketch I did for it

Money has also been a bit of a problem since the changes at work did not go through, dumb fuck projectionists union! what do they want? It essentially leaves me about 500 short of what I thought I was going to have when I started Uni, although my fretting over this problem did not stop me purchasing a new top with space invaders on it or make me find an alternative to Starbucks to eat lunch during a day out on wednesday.
The video is going slooooowly given all the procrastination and distraction but here is a sketch I did for it

procrastination. oh, with my procrastination it more or less got worse tenfold once i discovered the internet. even if there ARE other more creative things i COULD be doing, infallibly i'll end up just sitting online doing something. sometimes i actually think 'i should just not have the internet at home' then i realise i'd last about a week of that before i'd be going crazy. and i may be being generous saying 'a week'
there IS so much good stuff on youtube. a lot of complete and utter tosh, but you tend to be able to find really obscure weird stuff you'd all but forotten about. shows you watched as a kid and stuff. . .