whats wrong with my head today?!!! last night I had a dream that my parents were being executed by the iranian government. We had come back form holiday somewhere on a plane so were in an airport and me and my brother were really young and my parents didnt look like my parents, just like dream parents or something. But anyway, we were walking away from the airport and realised we were in iran when some military guys stopped us and sent us to this house where we were living for a few days while my parents awaited execution. I was helping my dad prepare to leave for his on a morning in my dream and when i saw my mum i asked her if she had to go to and she told me she had been executed the day before...
Later I saw a car come speeding round a corner of a road i dont even cross that often and imagined myself being hit by it
It supposed to be good to dream about people dying, like it signinfies new beginnings, but what does it mean to dream about the execution of someone who is already dead?
On a different note my friend becky is pregnant! There must be something in the water at the moment cos heaps of people i know are having babies and so far they have all HAD BABY girls
I wish there was a baby smilie.
edited cos im a fool

Later I saw a car come speeding round a corner of a road i dont even cross that often and imagined myself being hit by it

It supposed to be good to dream about people dying, like it signinfies new beginnings, but what does it mean to dream about the execution of someone who is already dead?
On a different note my friend becky is pregnant! There must be something in the water at the moment cos heaps of people i know are having babies and so far they have all HAD BABY girls

edited cos im a fool
Yay babies!
because that means you are going to die.
creepy huh?????
great news about becky. my sister is gonna pop soon, in november. she sticks out a mile.
i have an appt with my doc about trying soon.
well have fun