The ex-boyfriend is at it again, wish he'd just sort it out and if he wants to get back together just say so, so i can tell him to forget it.
I was talking about how i might be thinking about trying to buy a house next year and he said 'wouldn't you want to be in a relationship before you did that?' WTF??? shows he doesn't know me at all. stupid boy.
Lost the down feeling
just kinda bored and lethargic now but that's cool, things will kick in to action soon and i won't be able to get a break.
My housemate Kat will probably be moving to Japan pretty soon which means i need to find some where esle to live come christmas, can't be arsed with this communal living thing anymore, people always steal your milk!

Lost the down feeling

My housemate Kat will probably be moving to Japan pretty soon which means i need to find some where esle to live come christmas, can't be arsed with this communal living thing anymore, people always steal your milk!

as soon as they become ex you notice the little spots, the baggy bits, how their laugh really really sucks, and how actually, if you really think about it, they were really crap in bed.....
but anyway
hope the down feeling stays away and that you get action but not too much!