just finished a weekends work and decided not to tell my bosses about the dream...but i did make pirate inuendo wisecracks at every opportunity
Haven't had anymore memorable dreams recently but i do have a load of really weird ones i wrote about from last summer, i guess the hot weather brings it out in me, which i will try and find a place for in the dreams group.
I'm racking my brains at the moment to think of a plot for a film i have to make next year at uni...i'm thinking about making a zombie film cos i have heaps of friends who will agree to be in it as Zombies only and it will be easy to link a dissertation to it...but i guess that genre makes it superhard to avoid cliches...grrr

Haven't had anymore memorable dreams recently but i do have a load of really weird ones i wrote about from last summer, i guess the hot weather brings it out in me, which i will try and find a place for in the dreams group.
I'm racking my brains at the moment to think of a plot for a film i have to make next year at uni...i'm thinking about making a zombie film cos i have heaps of friends who will agree to be in it as Zombies only and it will be easy to link a dissertation to it...but i guess that genre makes it superhard to avoid cliches...grrr

theres a girl who is in a coma, but the audience doesn't know untill the end. something about summer time...camping by a lake....ghost stories....cemetery....indian legends about wolves and the dead (this part requires a bit of imagination)....voila! zombies come to life....people dying, etc. etc.....insert some suspense, some surprises....the girl (lead character) is about to be killed by zombies...speed zoom into a hospital room where the girl is lying in a bed and they're about of pull the plug on her (she's in a coma remember?) her eyes pop opena nd she sits up screaming and gasping....but still dies.
ok it sounds a little stupid but you could work with it.