Wooohoo!! I just Drove myself home! forgive my excitement i only recently passed my test and got my car today. yay me! My neighbour had to help me park it though...i'm sure i'll improve at some stage.
Another fucking established company beat me to the property i wanted for my shop
not something cool either a stupid recruitment agency...the estate agent offered me the small unit next door but it's too small so imust keep looking
see, like pirates for treasure..hmm...someone has to give me a break sometime! my city needs an independant record shop!
Here is a Haiku i wrote about cookies -
Seventy five pence
for chewy sticky goodness
Cookied to the max
I passed my creative writing module at uni last year with lotsa haikus...

Another fucking established company beat me to the property i wanted for my shop

Here is a Haiku i wrote about cookies -
Seventy five pence
for chewy sticky goodness
Cookied to the max
I passed my creative writing module at uni last year with lotsa haikus...

Ive had the same problems trying to find a decent site
,its a bitch.
.However I do find arson helps to ease the pain to some degree.