Last night I went to see some of my friends bands at the dog..Tuesday night band nights usually mean about 15 people who all leave after 1 pint and everyone just kinda lingering at the back nodding their heads to the music. Last night it was packed!
almost like a friday, one of the bands was that of secondary school crush who is still kinda fine
the 'headliners' were my best-friend-growing-ups band who gave me this great sense of contentment to bizarre. It felt like there was a rise of support in the local scene and that everyone last night was friendly which is such a rare feeling these days...cant wait till paddy starts djing there, it will mean good times.
My dreds have provoked a range of reactions, i had a looong conversation with the checkout girl at tescos about them, she was very curious, my mum said she liked the colours and the builders on the site next to my estate yelled abuse AND wolf whistled at me..what's going on there - i dont know. I had been feeling pretty nervous about the abuse i was going to get but after last night the concern's gone...wonder what my boss will say

My dreds have provoked a range of reactions, i had a looong conversation with the checkout girl at tescos about them, she was very curious, my mum said she liked the colours and the builders on the site next to my estate yelled abuse AND wolf whistled at me..what's going on there - i dont know. I had been feeling pretty nervous about the abuse i was going to get but after last night the concern's gone...wonder what my boss will say
