Still we've had a wicked weekend. Got very drunk on saturday with all the people i love from work, even anthony took a night off from his new baby, he's grown a big grufty beard while on his paternaty leave which will make our evil boss a little crazy...heh heh...Keep meaning never to drink again..this time because i'm all bruised from falling off the sofa and because i did things with Bryn i perhaps shouldn't..hmm

Spent Sunday crashed out, smoking and watching Spaced with John, goddamnit why doesn't he live here anymore?! Paddy moved in yesterday as well, living with him will be soo much fun and he's gonna mow the lawn!

p.s sorry mr.stranded i'm kinda crap at keeping up with journal entries
I'm sorry for not knowing, but who exactly is John? Tell me everything.........
You should just do something crazy, like move to London and surprise him! THat would be something....of course you wouldn't have a job.......but wouldn't it be cool........sorry......don't be sad........things will get better and at least you've got your health.......you aren't dying or anything are you? Okay.......