The interview went quite well I think, the lady said my illustration stuff was 'excellent' and that they could 'really use it' which is nice to hear as the first bit of feedback I've ever had on my portfolio. The test on Quark was dead easy after a weekend of studying a dummies guide..still she said she would make a decision by the end of the week so I'm kinda thinkin if I'd got it I might have heard by the end of today...
There's still tomorrow i guess.
James came round the other night and we talked for ages which was ace, I really hope we spend more time together this year, I miss him heaps.
I have had such a productive day today, I painted the last bits of skirting board in my office, sort out the filing system for the business, posted some ebay things, sorted out cap and gown hire for my graduation, took a comics delivery, finished my book and phoned Tesco insurance to whinge at them about the CCJ they caused. hurrah.
We also took our first payment for comics today! so nice to see some cash come back into this business!
Simon also looked at my portfolio and said it was good...go me! *pats self on back*

There's still tomorrow i guess.
James came round the other night and we talked for ages which was ace, I really hope we spend more time together this year, I miss him heaps.
I have had such a productive day today, I painted the last bits of skirting board in my office, sort out the filing system for the business, posted some ebay things, sorted out cap and gown hire for my graduation, took a comics delivery, finished my book and phoned Tesco insurance to whinge at them about the CCJ they caused. hurrah.
We also took our first payment for comics today! so nice to see some cash come back into this business!
Simon also looked at my portfolio and said it was good...go me! *pats self on back*

I'm thinking about moving forward, now I'm just having dreams about A Flock of Seagulls. you know that song about a photograph of you? well yeah, I think it's inter related.
Did you have a good Birthday? I hope so. Your folio stuff is well cool! all fresh and in your face like.