Melissa and I got a dog today. We went to see a Shih Tzu at a Petsmart in BFE last weekend and ended liking a different one. His name was Koko (we've since changed it to Wicket, seeing how he looks like an Ewok and Koko is just plain stupid) and he's 7 years old. I know that's kinda old for a dog but we're now trying to get him acquainted with our kitties. They've all been yelling at each other, so hopefully they'll become friends soon.
Ok...I just now got the shit clawed out of my arm by Lucien, who was freaking out about the dog. I really hope this doesn't persist. Otherwise, we'll have to give Wicket back. What kinda pisses me off is I told them we have 3 cats and they said he will ignore them. My ass! Anyway, I guess we'll see.
In other news, Chris and I are working together again. He decided several months ago that we should split but recently changed his mind. So God-like Creatures is back in effect. If he pulls that crap again, I'm out the door, yo. I think he's realized that he can't run the show himself and that he needs to be able to work with other people. Now we gotta try to find more bandmates again. Hopefully we'll be more successful this time.
Ok...I just now got the shit clawed out of my arm by Lucien, who was freaking out about the dog. I really hope this doesn't persist. Otherwise, we'll have to give Wicket back. What kinda pisses me off is I told them we have 3 cats and they said he will ignore them. My ass! Anyway, I guess we'll see.
In other news, Chris and I are working together again. He decided several months ago that we should split but recently changed his mind. So God-like Creatures is back in effect. If he pulls that crap again, I'm out the door, yo. I think he's realized that he can't run the show himself and that he needs to be able to work with other people. Now we gotta try to find more bandmates again. Hopefully we'll be more successful this time.