I'm finally feeling better. I can actually taste the food I eat now. Hurrah! I'm going to visit my lurvely wife in Arizona on Thursday and spend a long weekend there. It'll be nice to see her again as it's been a month since she left. If fucking Petsmart doesn't find a position for me somewhere in the greater Phoenix area soon then I say...
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Being sick sucks! I can't taste anything!
hey man, sorry 'bout the short notice but i need to re-schedule your touch-up.

my wife got really sick and i need to babysit.

i left you a phone message too

[Edited on Apr 09, 2005 11:58AM]
cool! thanks, man.
Still no job updates and now I'm getting sick. Whee.
cops & judges, i swear they had it out for me because i am a girl & young mad oh well whatever

i just added my resume to monstor.com today. even though i'd like to have a job that pays better then the current one i am thankful to have a job. good luck on the hunt! smile
Didn't get the second job, either. They're now saying I'm overqualified for the position but there's a management job the chick in HR is trying to see if I'm eligible for. I'm not holding my breath. It's looking like I'm going to have to transfer to another store, which I'm really not looking forward to. I'd have to stay there at least six months before...
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shitty, man. sorry to hear that.

I didn't get the job I was interviewed for but I have another phone interview tomorrow for the same position in a different department. Ugh. Hopefully this one works out. I really hate having everything up in the air like this.
I found another job at corporate that I think I'd like better than the first one. It's working with the Charities group to help out animal rescues/organizations. If I knew what I was doing was somehow helping save animals' lives, I think I'd enjoy my work.

I really miss my wife. I'm used to seeing her every day and now it's been almost two weeks...
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No word on the job. The chick who interviewed me said she'd make her decision by the end of the week so now I'm left wondering if I didn't get the job or if she hasn't made up her mind. I tried calling over there but apparently everyone leaves early on Friday.

I can hear my brother singing through the floor. It's really fucking funny....
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I've been waiting a friggin' week for my district manager to approve me to apply for a job at corporate. I dunno why everything had to be put on hold for this but he finally took a few seconds out of his day to let HR know it was ok for me to apply. Whatever.

I have a phone interview on Tuesday and if they...
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saw ur post in sgaz...wish i was closer to phoenix i like ur description of what u want your bands sound..and from ur influences i like aswell....im teaching myself guitar and bass and write lyrics and attempt to sing sound like crap but i think thats not so important...
NO FUCKING WAY! I need to see that episode. What song did they play?
It just hit me the past day or two that my wife will soon be leaving for Phoenix and I won't see her for almost a month. I have only a few more days to spend with her before she departs and it makes me very sad to think how I won't be able to see her or hug her or kiss her or have...
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Some fuck-head left his dog in plastic crate outside work while it was snowing and freezing. I really hate people sometimes. One of our groomers took him home until we decide what to do with him. I still don't get why people view a pet supply store as a dumping ground for animals. There's a fucking animal shelter across the street from us as well...
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people are stupid.
that is cool as fuck! you make me want to get another one! smile
oh, how beautiful!
i'm getting a nouveau sleeve soon.
welcome to az...
well, when you get here.