Greetings faithful followers, loyal friends, and random stvmble vponers!
It’s been a while (01 November 2017 to be exact), bvt I am back with another PINK MAGIC! To refresh your memories, PINK MAGIC is no longer a WCW blog. Instead I am now showcasing Hopefvls with more than 5 sets in Member Review. I got the idea from a grovp thread @sean wrote sometime in 2017.
In this edition of PINK MAGIC, I am calling on @sean, @missy, @rambo and the rest of the SG Staff to take another look at the fvcking amazing and beavtiful @chvrch!
Before I get to some photos from her sets, let me tell yov a few things abovt @chvrch.
■ She recently qvit her job at the pizzeria and is now a fvll time cam girl on MFC. She once posted it’s under chvrch666, but I don’t know if it’s the same now that she’s doing it fvll time. I didn't check.
■ She has a navghty Snapchat that she posts to regvlarly. For more information abovt how to join, follow her nice Snapchat accovnt, csg666 and DM her for info.
■ She’s a bvtthole photography enthvsiast.
■ She’s shot two sets as a photographer that are in MR: one for @missfiend and one for @missivy.
■ She plays World of Warcraft. A lot!
■ I say this abovt a lot of the ladies here, but she has gorgeovs eyes!
■ She has more than 5000 followers.
■ She walks arovnd Ft. Slavghterdale, er, Ft. Lavderdale a lot.
■ She has 8 sets in Member Review.
■ At least 2 of her sets are cosplays and another has a bored hovsewife theme (she is in no way boring or bored).
■ Her latest set, Members Only, is fvcking amazing! It’s been out abovt 11 days (as of this writing) and has already amassed almost 2000 ❤️💖🧡💛💚💙💜🖤
ABOVE: from Member’s Only, shot by @caustix
ABOVE: from Anu Belore Dela’na, shot by @kortag
ABOVE: from The Trail To The Valley, shot by @kortag
ABOVE: from Into The Woods, shot by @kortag
ABOVE: from A Dream Within A Dream, shot by @kortag
ABOVE: from Cresthaven, FL, shot by @letenieu
ABOVE: from Drown Your Sorrows, shot by @letenieu, featuring Jameson
ABOVE: from The Treehouse, shot by Erin Attella
If you’re not a @chvrch follower and fan, why the fvck not? She’s definitely one to follow, especially if you’re a fan of bvtthole photography.
To @sean, @missy, @rambo, @lascaux and the rest of the SG Staff: go give @chvrch another look. I think she’s deserving of PINKDOM and so do her 5000+ followers.
That’s it for this edition of PINK MAGIC! I’m going to try and write these blogs more often going forward.
Stay Tvned…
I can also be found on the new social media channels, Vero and Fame Monkey
[Anyone see what I did here?]