I drew this picture yesterday for Chris, aka The Rat Man.
He gave us our pet rats and is an all-in-all nice bloke, and since he's a Predator fan, i drew his rat we adopted, Boomer, in full-on Predator gear, so i thought i'd share before i frame it and give it to him...
I bet you didn't know i could draw eh?
He gave us our pet rats and is an all-in-all nice bloke, and since he's a Predator fan, i drew his rat we adopted, Boomer, in full-on Predator gear, so i thought i'd share before i frame it and give it to him...

I bet you didn't know i could draw eh?

have you ever wonderd why everywhere you go if thers a fire they always say stay calm dont run etc etc yet the guy on fire exit signs looks like hes running like fucking crazy hes off and fast, i think he should have a speech bubble saying. FIRE FIRE FUCK RUN FOOLS YOURE ALL GONNA BURN DONT WALK DICKHEAD ITS A FIRE FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!