Why is it that your closest friends can make the worst enemies?
Probably because you care for them and when you clash you feel it more.
Lennox is like my brother, when we're bored we go out and get pissed, play pool, take the mickey out of eachother and when we don't like something we have a good bitch together. Now some girl i REALLY don't like has come in and stolen him, wrapped him round her little finger and made up lies.
He isn't the first bloke she's done this to, my friend Tom got sucked in too and she turned him against his friends he's known since school.
She made my mate Teddy sound like a total bastard when he never did anything, she tried to break up Ian and Rachel by trying to kiss Ian, and when he was having none of it she made up some bullshit story to make him look bad.
Lennox has started seeing her recently, and i made one little mistake, one small error, i'm only human afterall.
I told someone that he was with her, not realising it was supposed to be a secret.
Words spread fast and i get a nasty phonecall from him blaming me for ruining his life basically.
He kept telling me how stupid i am and also put the blame on me for other things that have gone wrong in the past for him that had NOTHING to do with me.
Thing was, he didn't even know it was me who said anything, it could have been my boyfriend Sam, but he wasn't going to pick a fight with him now was he?
No, he was going to pick a fight with the most vunerable person, the one who would lay down and take it.
Namely me.
But i didn't just lay down and take it, i bitched back and i can give as good as i get.
Of course i had a good cry afterwards, and soon word spread of the phonecall which makes things worse for him since people aren't happy with him in the first place.
I know he's sorry, he's tried to visit me various times and call me, but i've just ignored it all. I'm not ready yet.
I don't think any girl is worth losing old friendships.
Lennox just came round in the car and apologised, as well as handing me two massive bars of chocolate, so i guess i can forgive and forget.
Although, still don't approve of the company he keeps, grrr
Anyway, time for some GOOD news
Since my Dad is getting a new job, he doesn't need his old PC in the office so he's giving it to me! yaaay!
So this means me and Sam can spend less cash getting a new PC and just upgrade this one, then get broadband, huzzah!
Probably because you care for them and when you clash you feel it more.
Lennox is like my brother, when we're bored we go out and get pissed, play pool, take the mickey out of eachother and when we don't like something we have a good bitch together. Now some girl i REALLY don't like has come in and stolen him, wrapped him round her little finger and made up lies.
He isn't the first bloke she's done this to, my friend Tom got sucked in too and she turned him against his friends he's known since school.
She made my mate Teddy sound like a total bastard when he never did anything, she tried to break up Ian and Rachel by trying to kiss Ian, and when he was having none of it she made up some bullshit story to make him look bad.
Lennox has started seeing her recently, and i made one little mistake, one small error, i'm only human afterall.
I told someone that he was with her, not realising it was supposed to be a secret.
Words spread fast and i get a nasty phonecall from him blaming me for ruining his life basically.
He kept telling me how stupid i am and also put the blame on me for other things that have gone wrong in the past for him that had NOTHING to do with me.
Thing was, he didn't even know it was me who said anything, it could have been my boyfriend Sam, but he wasn't going to pick a fight with him now was he?
No, he was going to pick a fight with the most vunerable person, the one who would lay down and take it.
Namely me.
But i didn't just lay down and take it, i bitched back and i can give as good as i get.
Of course i had a good cry afterwards, and soon word spread of the phonecall which makes things worse for him since people aren't happy with him in the first place.
I know he's sorry, he's tried to visit me various times and call me, but i've just ignored it all. I'm not ready yet.
I don't think any girl is worth losing old friendships.
Lennox just came round in the car and apologised, as well as handing me two massive bars of chocolate, so i guess i can forgive and forget.
Although, still don't approve of the company he keeps, grrr

Anyway, time for some GOOD news
Since my Dad is getting a new job, he doesn't need his old PC in the office so he's giving it to me! yaaay!
So this means me and Sam can spend less cash getting a new PC and just upgrade this one, then get broadband, huzzah!
I think I must have been snooping through TheReverend's post, trying to find pics of him naked, and that's how I ended up here.
Gypsy curse - pah!
By the way, if you have any pics of TheReverend naked, I will pay cash.
(How you get to be in possession of such pics is a matter for your own conscience and concerns me not.)