So GU Medicine were absoultely kickass!
Me and Sam were the only people there who even knew who they were and we sang along right at the front.
When they finished we went to speak to them, turned out to be really nice guys and signed my CD cover. They also gave us a load of pin badges and Sam bought a t-shirt.
We must have been chatting to them for ages, and when we left they said thankyou for coming to see them.
So that made my evening.
We met up with a few friends and went to club 'Krash' in Newcastle.
It was so shit i could barely stay awake. I felt bad though, it was Katie's 21st, but everyone else was so drunk and so they had a better time, so i left at midnight.
The DJ there sucked badly.
Sam asked for some Therapy? to be played.
The DJ said he only had his punk with him, so Sam asked if he had any Dead Kennedy's, Stranglers or Stiff Little Fingers....not a sausage.
So obviously, his idea of punk is some new Goldfinger and Less Than Jake
On the way home some drunken assholes started on us, and when we threw insults back THEY threw a pint glass at us.
But he threw like a girl and missed us by miles, wanker.
Cost an arm and a leg to get home since the taxi's were on high tariff's being Easter and all.
But i was just glad to get back and have a cuppa.
Saturday, i went out and bought The Punisher game for the PS2.
Something beautiful about putting a man in a funerary cooker, turning up the heat until he squeals, and when he's told you what you want, just turning the flames up, muhahaha!
It really compliments my sadistic nature.

Me and Sam were the only people there who even knew who they were and we sang along right at the front.
When they finished we went to speak to them, turned out to be really nice guys and signed my CD cover. They also gave us a load of pin badges and Sam bought a t-shirt.
We must have been chatting to them for ages, and when we left they said thankyou for coming to see them.
So that made my evening.
We met up with a few friends and went to club 'Krash' in Newcastle.
It was so shit i could barely stay awake. I felt bad though, it was Katie's 21st, but everyone else was so drunk and so they had a better time, so i left at midnight.
The DJ there sucked badly.
Sam asked for some Therapy? to be played.
The DJ said he only had his punk with him, so Sam asked if he had any Dead Kennedy's, Stranglers or Stiff Little Fingers....not a sausage.
So obviously, his idea of punk is some new Goldfinger and Less Than Jake

On the way home some drunken assholes started on us, and when we threw insults back THEY threw a pint glass at us.
But he threw like a girl and missed us by miles, wanker.
Cost an arm and a leg to get home since the taxi's were on high tariff's being Easter and all.
But i was just glad to get back and have a cuppa.
Saturday, i went out and bought The Punisher game for the PS2.
Something beautiful about putting a man in a funerary cooker, turning up the heat until he squeals, and when he's told you what you want, just turning the flames up, muhahaha!
It really compliments my sadistic nature.
and our cool conversations about dairylea and other cool things