Well i've only been here a day and i've decided i like it too much to leave
The money usually spent on alcohol is better spent here i reckon hehehe.
Besides, i probably drink too much anyway.
I forgot to mention how i came across this site.
I was at a local annual tattoo convention and a photographer asked me if he could take some pics for a tattoo mag, i said sure and so he did.
He told me if i'd heard of SG, i said yeah but never visited. he told me i should join up.
I mean, i love it here, but i don't think i'm confident enough to be an SG, plus i don't think my other half would be amused much.
Would be a nice though.
Anyway, i'm just ranting now so i'll leave you all in peace.
Oh, i found this fun survey thing, i know it's only for boredom's sake but, darn it, i AM bored.
Take it if ye wish, ya land lubbers.
The 411...
&; Name: Harlot
&; Nickname(s): Usually just 'oi!' or 'Alright? buy me a drink would ya?'
&; Screen name(s): DeadGirlSuperstar/Harlot
&; Age: 23
&; Age (maturity): About 12
&; Gender: [checks] Front bottom!
&; Zodiac Sign: Pisces
&; Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dog [fitting no?]
&; Location: Durham! It sucks here, never come visit me
Your Favourite Things...
&; Anime: Blood:Vampire Hunter
&; Animal: Rats! Aww they're the best
&; Book: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
&; Band: White Zombie & Primus - Love them both the same
&; Colour: Hot pink, rawr!
&; Drink: Jack Daniels
&; Game: San Andreas baybeee or Shadow of Rome ghghdfghk!! awesome game
&; TV Show: Red Dwarf - Marry me Rimmer
Do You...
&; Smoke? I do sometimes, when im drunk but hardly ever
&; Drink alcohol? On weekends
&; Do drugs? I smoke the weed sometimes
&; Read the newspaper? I [heart] The Sun
&; Play an instrument? I can play the Bodhran, aren't i clever!
&; Go to church? For artistic purposes
&; Have a dark secret? [looks shifty] shhh, 'tis a scret
&; Sleep with stuffed animals? A horses head
&; Believe in miracles? Like when a bus turns up on time? Yeah!
Are You...
&; Nice? I try to be [growls]
&; Cute? I hate that word but i guess it's un-escapable
&; Smart? I think so
&; Shy? Not anymore
&; Outgoing? Depends on how many drinks i've had
&; Lazy? Extremely! I wont get out of bed most mornings
&; Hyperactive? No i'm far too lethargic
&; Funny? Somedays i can be very quick witted
&; Religious? I believe in 'something' not neccesarily 'god'
&; Insane? Psychotic around 'that time'
&; Perverted? Too much
What Do You Look Like..
&; Hair: Pinkness
&; Eyes: Green
&; Glasses/Contacts? Nope
&; Height: 5'7
&; Weight: 8 st / 112 lbs
&; Complexion: Milky white
&; Piercings: 7
&; Tattoos: 7
Most Embarassing Moments...
&; Your all-time most embarassing moment? When i was about to go on stage when i was young, my friend made me laugh to hard and i pissed my pants, allover my costume hehehe
&; Ever giggled like an idiot? Stoned giggles
&; Ever embarassed yourself and acted as if nothing happened? No i tend to just laugh at myself
&; Ever said something really stupid? Tons of times, i've had my blonde moments
&; Ever fallen off of a bed? Twice in my lifetime
&; Ever snorted a drink out of your nose? Haha yeah
&; Hair: Pinkness, as always
&; Clothes: My baggy trousers with overskirt, vest top and black cardigan
&; Mood: Content
&; Music: GU Medicine - Totally obsessed with this band right now
&; Taste: Cup of tea
&; Thing you SHOULD be doing: Probably studies
&; Thought: My bum is numb
&; Time:13:56pm

The money usually spent on alcohol is better spent here i reckon hehehe.
Besides, i probably drink too much anyway.
I forgot to mention how i came across this site.
I was at a local annual tattoo convention and a photographer asked me if he could take some pics for a tattoo mag, i said sure and so he did.
He told me if i'd heard of SG, i said yeah but never visited. he told me i should join up.
I mean, i love it here, but i don't think i'm confident enough to be an SG, plus i don't think my other half would be amused much.
Would be a nice though.
Anyway, i'm just ranting now so i'll leave you all in peace.
Oh, i found this fun survey thing, i know it's only for boredom's sake but, darn it, i AM bored.
Take it if ye wish, ya land lubbers.

The 411...
&; Name: Harlot
&; Nickname(s): Usually just 'oi!' or 'Alright? buy me a drink would ya?'
&; Screen name(s): DeadGirlSuperstar/Harlot
&; Age: 23
&; Age (maturity): About 12
&; Gender: [checks] Front bottom!
&; Zodiac Sign: Pisces
&; Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dog [fitting no?]
&; Location: Durham! It sucks here, never come visit me
Your Favourite Things...
&; Anime: Blood:Vampire Hunter
&; Animal: Rats! Aww they're the best
&; Book: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
&; Band: White Zombie & Primus - Love them both the same
&; Colour: Hot pink, rawr!
&; Drink: Jack Daniels
&; Game: San Andreas baybeee or Shadow of Rome ghghdfghk!! awesome game
&; TV Show: Red Dwarf - Marry me Rimmer
Do You...
&; Smoke? I do sometimes, when im drunk but hardly ever
&; Drink alcohol? On weekends
&; Do drugs? I smoke the weed sometimes
&; Read the newspaper? I [heart] The Sun
&; Play an instrument? I can play the Bodhran, aren't i clever!
&; Go to church? For artistic purposes
&; Have a dark secret? [looks shifty] shhh, 'tis a scret
&; Sleep with stuffed animals? A horses head
&; Believe in miracles? Like when a bus turns up on time? Yeah!
Are You...
&; Nice? I try to be [growls]
&; Cute? I hate that word but i guess it's un-escapable
&; Smart? I think so
&; Shy? Not anymore
&; Outgoing? Depends on how many drinks i've had
&; Lazy? Extremely! I wont get out of bed most mornings
&; Hyperactive? No i'm far too lethargic
&; Funny? Somedays i can be very quick witted
&; Religious? I believe in 'something' not neccesarily 'god'
&; Insane? Psychotic around 'that time'
&; Perverted? Too much
What Do You Look Like..
&; Hair: Pinkness
&; Eyes: Green
&; Glasses/Contacts? Nope
&; Height: 5'7
&; Weight: 8 st / 112 lbs
&; Complexion: Milky white
&; Piercings: 7
&; Tattoos: 7
Most Embarassing Moments...
&; Your all-time most embarassing moment? When i was about to go on stage when i was young, my friend made me laugh to hard and i pissed my pants, allover my costume hehehe
&; Ever giggled like an idiot? Stoned giggles
&; Ever embarassed yourself and acted as if nothing happened? No i tend to just laugh at myself
&; Ever said something really stupid? Tons of times, i've had my blonde moments
&; Ever fallen off of a bed? Twice in my lifetime
&; Ever snorted a drink out of your nose? Haha yeah
&; Hair: Pinkness, as always
&; Clothes: My baggy trousers with overskirt, vest top and black cardigan
&; Mood: Content
&; Music: GU Medicine - Totally obsessed with this band right now
&; Taste: Cup of tea
&; Thing you SHOULD be doing: Probably studies
&; Thought: My bum is numb
&; Time:13:56pm
Yeah, she does photograph well! Coz i'm not exactly the greatest cameraman...
...you know, she's lookin' for a girl to do a set with. A really fit, yummy, pervy girl. Just sayin', mind...
was it Primus who did '...too many puppies... get shot in the dark...' That was a cooool song... ancient tho, now, i think!