A lot has changed in a very very short time, say a week. Im at home, back at uni, single, back in sydney in the parents home again. Ive got a room to myself, filled with every little thing about me. Ive got Picasso's Guernica on the wall paired with a Van Gogh. Christians heart is in a box hanging on the wall in a place between the Sacre Cour and the Moulin Rouge. Ive got my books crammed into every shelf i could find. Ive got my laptop back, my bed, oh god my pillows. Im piecing everything back together slowly. Its as if ive been on hiatus or in a beautiful dream for a few years. Love seems to just suspend you in its own warm cocoon. Ive been woken up and the laws of nature have forced me to emerge as some kind of butterfly. Scarred by us, but theyre the prettiest scars ive ever seen. It sounds stupid i know, but im not unhappy. Im breathing new air. Home is such a wonderful place and an even better concept. Home is everything, and to some extent I've come home, to me.
I appoligise for the lack of replies earlier tonight, I was actually at work and just going back and forth to the back to check and reply. I've sent a message to Blake to ask him what he wants to do, but I'm most certainly open for suggestions (although my brother's friend may have ideas of his own too).
When you sent that message I was twirling in the tunnels of a deep slumber.
As for the Christian thing; It's a new beginning, embrace it. Fly butterfly, fly