I have the WORST headache, havent really slept cause i was doing my last two assignments for the semester. oh joy today was a mix of overwhelming stress and bad luck mixed in with a little bit of good luck, but most of all it was alllll about responsibility. The things you HAVE to do. Sometimes this overwhelms me, responsibilty sucks. Well in the vein of awesome SG friends, i got tagged. thats right. TWICE ! Thanks to cleverthings and blakemitchel
Also I lost my mobile phone again, my number is going to remain the same but i need to recolect the numbers i had before, once again blakemitchel, cleverthings, i_am_ghost, TFOK, boombambi i look at all of you! Message me or email me the numbers MWA
This Seven Things' Response is dedicated to my good friends, blakemitchel and cleverthings!!
Seven Things To Do Before I Die
+ Get published and have a wonderful writing career.
+ Have little babies
+ Buy a beautiful house slash large apartment / beachside/ type thing.
+ Finish Uni next year and reenrol for another degree / arts / law...
Plant a tree.
+ Learn how to play the piano
+ ...and the violin.
Seven Things I Cannot Do
+ Watch sad movies without crying.
+ Be without my family or friends.
+ Live without my puffers and allergy tablets.
+ Hate people.
+ Hit a baseball.
+ Please everyone.
+ Dance the flaminco.
Seven Things I Say:
+ What the fuck?
+ I feel sick.
+ fuck it!!!
+ Where is the tequilla?
+ Im so hungover.
Seven Good Books
+ Emilie Zola, 'Therese Raquin'.
+ John Ashbury, 'Girls on the Run'.
+ Naomi Wolf, 'The Beauty Myth'.
+ Isabel Allende, 'Paula' & 'The Stories of Eva Luna'.
+ (For blakemitchel) Jorge Luis Borges, 'Labyrinths'.
+ Aldous Huxley, 'Brave New World',
+ Simone De Beauvoir, 'The Second Sex'
Seven Good Movies
+ Requiem for a Dream
+ (TV Series?) Band of Brothers
+ From Dusk til Dawn
+ Heathers
+ Fight Club
+ Shadow of A Vampire
+ A very long engagement.
Seven Persons To Tag
suicide_reese, mattscope, aaronsrod, chilung, boombambi, missshell,francbert

This Seven Things' Response is dedicated to my good friends, blakemitchel and cleverthings!!
Seven Things To Do Before I Die
+ Get published and have a wonderful writing career.
+ Have little babies
+ Buy a beautiful house slash large apartment / beachside/ type thing.
+ Finish Uni next year and reenrol for another degree / arts / law...

+ Learn how to play the piano
+ ...and the violin.
Seven Things I Cannot Do
+ Watch sad movies without crying.
+ Be without my family or friends.
+ Live without my puffers and allergy tablets.
+ Hate people.
+ Hit a baseball.
+ Please everyone.
+ Dance the flaminco.
Seven Things I Say:
+ What the fuck?
+ I feel sick.
+ fuck it!!!
+ Where is the tequilla?
+ Im so hungover.
Seven Good Books
+ Emilie Zola, 'Therese Raquin'.
+ John Ashbury, 'Girls on the Run'.
+ Naomi Wolf, 'The Beauty Myth'.
+ Isabel Allende, 'Paula' & 'The Stories of Eva Luna'.
+ (For blakemitchel) Jorge Luis Borges, 'Labyrinths'.
+ Aldous Huxley, 'Brave New World',
+ Simone De Beauvoir, 'The Second Sex'
Seven Good Movies
+ Requiem for a Dream
+ (TV Series?) Band of Brothers
+ From Dusk til Dawn
+ Heathers
+ Fight Club
+ Shadow of A Vampire
+ A very long engagement.
Seven Persons To Tag
suicide_reese, mattscope, aaronsrod, chilung, boombambi, missshell,francbert
Hey you!
Roar of the tiger woman, I love it. Very pleased to see you're back at home safe and sound, I'd register a guess, as a rather changed human being. You missed me? I think it's the other way around, you only had: rasberry beer, austria, murals, hostels, the eagle's nest, clogs and belgian chocolate to keep you occupied
I'm going to have lunch and then compose a fuck off huge email for you, madame.