Im in teh gong now moved in yesterday. Thank god my parents helped me clean the place up cause it was filthy. Four months worth of dust and rotten potatoes in cupboards and empty vodka bottles from when a girlfriend of mine stayed over. So very un-fun. But its all done now so im happy. I would post pics but *no digital* was using dads
On a lighter note im back at uni and it was fucking awesome to see all the uni people again. Tomorrow we have a *catch up* lunch which im looking forward to. Im so lucky to have such a great and varied group of writers to be studying with.
Havent seen the new writers yet (1st years) im a 2nd year now so hence cooler than EVER! ahaha but hopefully the kids in my grade will have a get together with them at teh Gaynor manor or some other suitable writer receptacle.
Also did some great catching up today with my rommate /girlfriend Caroline who ive known for aaaaaages since i was 13! Which was lovely its so weird when you know someone thats more like an extended version of yourself... even the things that theyre going through you can relate to cause youve either been through it too or are going through it at the moment. Maybe i just love her.
This year should be fucking incredible for me. Christian gets back on Friday!!!!
1. 5 things to do before I die:
1) Write three incredibly mind blowing books.
2) Win the nobel prize for literature for one of those books.
3) Travel the world.
4) Buy a house.
5) Have lived a life that i can not regret.
Stolen From Dierdre

On a lighter note im back at uni and it was fucking awesome to see all the uni people again. Tomorrow we have a *catch up* lunch which im looking forward to. Im so lucky to have such a great and varied group of writers to be studying with.
Havent seen the new writers yet (1st years) im a 2nd year now so hence cooler than EVER! ahaha but hopefully the kids in my grade will have a get together with them at teh Gaynor manor or some other suitable writer receptacle.
Also did some great catching up today with my rommate /girlfriend Caroline who ive known for aaaaaages since i was 13! Which was lovely its so weird when you know someone thats more like an extended version of yourself... even the things that theyre going through you can relate to cause youve either been through it too or are going through it at the moment. Maybe i just love her.
This year should be fucking incredible for me. Christian gets back on Friday!!!!

1. 5 things to do before I die:
1) Write three incredibly mind blowing books.
2) Win the nobel prize for literature for one of those books.
3) Travel the world.
4) Buy a house.
5) Have lived a life that i can not regret.
Stolen From Dierdre
[Edited on Feb 20, 2006 6:27AM]