So yeah. My everything has been pretty hectic and up in the air.
Ive had about eight hours sleep in the last 8 hours sleep in the last two days. yesterday morning I got up at six am to to drive my parents to the airport, im wishing it wasnt just a domestic flight.
We had a scare yesterday when my brother failed to show up at the airport from bangkok. Also failed to let us know ANYTHING at all, failed to contact us or call. I began imagining my brother on the front of the Telegraph in cuffs and a headline "Not Again!". I smiled to my self (discreetly) and said the world will sort it out and proceeded to get drunk. later ray (oldeest brother) reccieved an email ***Flight Delayed Back Tomorrow 7.40AM Quantas flight QF2*** Hence JAYJAY missing his own welcome back australia day barbeque (which i had done shopping cooking driving and cleaned the house for) and arriving today at 7.40am, so again i had to get up at six thirty after getting SUPER drunk with my cousins and talking shit all night singing allong to the beatles in alternative church chorus style. I couldnt sleep in my own bed dcause for some reason it gives me allergies. I slept in my parents bed so hence, no sleeping at all with all the massive trucks going past at FOUR AM and BOTH garbage trucks going by within an hour of each other just when im falling back to sleep the other came allong. My cousin Yani had to be dragged out of the house at 12. i begged her to go home so i could go to sleep. She complied, in the end after much heartache, MTV watching and food giving.
So after waking up at 6.30 i put some clothes on. Drank two bottles of water down. Picked up all the dishes and cups and rearranged all applicable outdoor furniture i began the kitchen clean up. washed maybe ten cups and all the cutlery before i had to drive to the airport again. morning driving is great, so completly relaxing. there are no worries when you drive in the morning before eight. Yes. So relaxing that I didnt realise i was driving the wrong way. Go Me. So i finally get the airport im so completly excited to see my brother and know that hes okay and not in some jail, being harassed by asian jail keeps. And I wait.... and wait. And look for him, keep turning my head this way and that between gate A & gate B. And he doesnt show. One hour later. My excitement has turned to worry.
I realise i had forgotten my telelephone and call Ray on a payphone. "Is Jay Jay at home? Maybe I missed him." *Ray Checks* "No." Hmmmm. The idea of having waited an hour and having by some freak accident missed my six foot tall brother killed me more than the idea that maybe we was still in that Thai jail. So out of sheer stubborness, I waited. And then got a coffee. Then waited some more. Saw all of the people around me hug and kiss and do the "Welcome homes!!!" and my brother... nowhere to be found. I kept on looking at a man who was adjacent to me on the other side of the railing, he had a balloon a welcome home billboard and a little daughter of about seven. Watching his face slowly go grey as the half hours rolled past. His shimmery balloon started to droop. His little girl kept looking up at him and asking "how much longer now?". I ask an assistant if this was procedure or normal in any way. She shakes her head "not really, no" the man beside me says hes waiting for someone from the same flight. The lady looks at us both and says 'youre in the same boat!' laughs and turns away.
So by this time its past ten am and i had been waiting for two hours. The man with the balloon and the daughter had left only fifteen minutes before, seeing him get his loved one before me was just a stab in the heart. All of a sudden every large guy in a tee shirt was my brother. Emotionally, physically i was broken, plus i was parked in the one hour only zone. Until before me was Jayjay with nothing but a pack on his back looking around like a kid that had just stepped into a new playground. I scream JAY JAY oh my god! and hug him over the rail. 'Oh my god, oh my god what happened????!'
What happened was, Jay jay waited for fourty minutes for his bags. That never came. He kindly asks the Quantas staff... 'Where are my bags?' The staff member politely replies... 'Well, at the moment. They could be in any of the following places... here, London or Bangkok.' My brother nodded, said to himself. 'Okay...' and that was that. He decided to come to the other side of that damned wall. He later described the scene as 'shocking'. He will forever be traumatised. Maybe we might see his bags again... someday.
He is amazed that i have my p's and am driving mums car. He finds the idea that raymond may have a half sister humorous, and is puzzled by our parents being together on a romantic trip through victoria in the midst of a divorce settlement. At least he had his photos in his carry on, he says to me over a krispy creme double shot latte. I pay TWENTY THREE dollars for parking and explain to him how when i drop him off at home i must then have a shower continue cleaning the house then drive to the post office to pick up two alkaline trio tickets, then carry on back to the city and go to work. As of course, there all things have been left in my charge to do, by my parents specifically today. So here I am. I am meant to be completly re doing the bas statement. I say FUCK NO to that.
So whats in store for our young heroine for the rest of the day? Cook a delicious meal for five of my relatives who will be dining again at my house today. I think this meal will consist of succulent Coles bought barbeque chicken, with a side of coleslaw (also premade). And then, and only then, I will crumble into a whithered heap and maybe get some sleep.
*Sigh* It was damn good to get all of that out.
OH! Just in case all of that wasnt enough?! I stabbed myself in the hand last night with a bottle opener its really gross.

We had a scare yesterday when my brother failed to show up at the airport from bangkok. Also failed to let us know ANYTHING at all, failed to contact us or call. I began imagining my brother on the front of the Telegraph in cuffs and a headline "Not Again!". I smiled to my self (discreetly) and said the world will sort it out and proceeded to get drunk. later ray (oldeest brother) reccieved an email ***Flight Delayed Back Tomorrow 7.40AM Quantas flight QF2*** Hence JAYJAY missing his own welcome back australia day barbeque (which i had done shopping cooking driving and cleaned the house for) and arriving today at 7.40am, so again i had to get up at six thirty after getting SUPER drunk with my cousins and talking shit all night singing allong to the beatles in alternative church chorus style. I couldnt sleep in my own bed dcause for some reason it gives me allergies. I slept in my parents bed so hence, no sleeping at all with all the massive trucks going past at FOUR AM and BOTH garbage trucks going by within an hour of each other just when im falling back to sleep the other came allong. My cousin Yani had to be dragged out of the house at 12. i begged her to go home so i could go to sleep. She complied, in the end after much heartache, MTV watching and food giving.
So after waking up at 6.30 i put some clothes on. Drank two bottles of water down. Picked up all the dishes and cups and rearranged all applicable outdoor furniture i began the kitchen clean up. washed maybe ten cups and all the cutlery before i had to drive to the airport again. morning driving is great, so completly relaxing. there are no worries when you drive in the morning before eight. Yes. So relaxing that I didnt realise i was driving the wrong way. Go Me. So i finally get the airport im so completly excited to see my brother and know that hes okay and not in some jail, being harassed by asian jail keeps. And I wait.... and wait. And look for him, keep turning my head this way and that between gate A & gate B. And he doesnt show. One hour later. My excitement has turned to worry.
I realise i had forgotten my telelephone and call Ray on a payphone. "Is Jay Jay at home? Maybe I missed him." *Ray Checks* "No." Hmmmm. The idea of having waited an hour and having by some freak accident missed my six foot tall brother killed me more than the idea that maybe we was still in that Thai jail. So out of sheer stubborness, I waited. And then got a coffee. Then waited some more. Saw all of the people around me hug and kiss and do the "Welcome homes!!!" and my brother... nowhere to be found. I kept on looking at a man who was adjacent to me on the other side of the railing, he had a balloon a welcome home billboard and a little daughter of about seven. Watching his face slowly go grey as the half hours rolled past. His shimmery balloon started to droop. His little girl kept looking up at him and asking "how much longer now?". I ask an assistant if this was procedure or normal in any way. She shakes her head "not really, no" the man beside me says hes waiting for someone from the same flight. The lady looks at us both and says 'youre in the same boat!' laughs and turns away.
So by this time its past ten am and i had been waiting for two hours. The man with the balloon and the daughter had left only fifteen minutes before, seeing him get his loved one before me was just a stab in the heart. All of a sudden every large guy in a tee shirt was my brother. Emotionally, physically i was broken, plus i was parked in the one hour only zone. Until before me was Jayjay with nothing but a pack on his back looking around like a kid that had just stepped into a new playground. I scream JAY JAY oh my god! and hug him over the rail. 'Oh my god, oh my god what happened????!'
What happened was, Jay jay waited for fourty minutes for his bags. That never came. He kindly asks the Quantas staff... 'Where are my bags?' The staff member politely replies... 'Well, at the moment. They could be in any of the following places... here, London or Bangkok.' My brother nodded, said to himself. 'Okay...' and that was that. He decided to come to the other side of that damned wall. He later described the scene as 'shocking'. He will forever be traumatised. Maybe we might see his bags again... someday.
He is amazed that i have my p's and am driving mums car. He finds the idea that raymond may have a half sister humorous, and is puzzled by our parents being together on a romantic trip through victoria in the midst of a divorce settlement. At least he had his photos in his carry on, he says to me over a krispy creme double shot latte. I pay TWENTY THREE dollars for parking and explain to him how when i drop him off at home i must then have a shower continue cleaning the house then drive to the post office to pick up two alkaline trio tickets, then carry on back to the city and go to work. As of course, there all things have been left in my charge to do, by my parents specifically today. So here I am. I am meant to be completly re doing the bas statement. I say FUCK NO to that.
So whats in store for our young heroine for the rest of the day? Cook a delicious meal for five of my relatives who will be dining again at my house today. I think this meal will consist of succulent Coles bought barbeque chicken, with a side of coleslaw (also premade). And then, and only then, I will crumble into a whithered heap and maybe get some sleep.
*Sigh* It was damn good to get all of that out.
OH! Just in case all of that wasnt enough?! I stabbed myself in the hand last night with a bottle opener its really gross.
now go relax with your drink of choice
Glad there was a happy ending
Damned heat too hot for corsets