I know I don't post much but I was just looking through stuff and noticed that I've been a member since June 2002. Crazy how big the site is now compared to when I first joined and there were only a handful of SG's. Wish there were more girls into my kind of "punk rock" than emo and crap but still so many beautiful women...
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We need a cider. 

I'm up for cider ANYTIME...love the stuff.
Well it looks like it's been around 4 years since I've updated. I've subscribed to this site since there was about 10 girls on it and I'm stunned how big it's become. Glad it's still relatively cheap.
I'm 25 now, will be 26 in a month. Currently living in Mount Prospect, IL with my ex-girlfriend and my uncle. He owns the house, we rent out...
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I'm 25 now, will be 26 in a month. Currently living in Mount Prospect, IL with my ex-girlfriend and my uncle. He owns the house, we rent out...
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woah dude...long time no talk. good to hear from you. my aim is xfrankenstein78x still. there is a link to my myspace on my sg profile. add me.
So I'm unemployed now. I no longer work at Target. I'm not sure if I got fired or if they put me as quitting, nor do I really care. I worked there for almost 5 years and they fucked me around hardcore. Screw them.
So now I'm looking for a job. Something that pays decent, has insurance, and shit like that. Yeah.
So now I'm looking for a job. Something that pays decent, has insurance, and shit like that. Yeah.
Tried to add you on my friends on LB, but it says the only one of your chars that exists is the undead. D'oh.
yo happy b-day!
you should come hang out in kc sometime!
you should come hang out in kc sometime!

Man I never update this or even LJ anymore. I've been working a lot still at fucking Target. I plan on quitting real soon hopefully so I can get a real decent paying job. I'm up to my ass in debt right now, bills keep rolling in. It really blows. That's pretty much it...
Four and a half! HAHAHHAHAHA!
HAH jesus man! That's a long time for target, but atleast it's a steady paycheck. Good luck with finding something else though.
I'm tired and bored. On lunch break and gotta go back to work in a sec. I really haven't been doin' much lately besides playing video games and downloading movies/tv shows/computer programs. Boring shit yo. I need me a 40 before I go back to work. That'd be just right.
thanks for the comment on my new set
how have you been anyway. i have not really talked to you in FOREVER. i mean really FOREVER. i never see you on aim anymore. 

I'm never really on AIM...guess I should just leave it on all the time...'cause I always leave the computer on.
Eh, I broke one of my contacts last night so I have to wear my glasses until I can get new ones. GOD DAMNIT! I hate wearing these things.

yeah...kyle just had lasik, so no more contacts or glasses for him. he also now has 20/15 vision...better than 20/20. i never wear my glasses, but my eyes are not that bad.
Lemmie know how that turns out, I'm really interested in getting that soon!
PS - Kate I miss talkin' to yer ass.
PS - Kate I miss talkin' to yer ass.
I'm really really bored.
I started to actually put together my new computer after buying everything for it and then figured out it's overly complicated for me and shit. Great. Think I'm gonna have my buddy put it together for me.
I started to actually put together my new computer after buying everything for it and then figured out it's overly complicated for me and shit. Great. Think I'm gonna have my buddy put it together for me.
Yesterday sucked so bad.
I found out one of my boys that I haven't seen in about a year hung himself on 4/20. I knew Skyler since I was about 16, we used to hang out a lot, fighting, getting drunk/high, all that shit. Shit, the kid was even one of my S.S.P. recruits from back in the day when we had Scumburg Street Punks....
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I found out one of my boys that I haven't seen in about a year hung himself on 4/20. I knew Skyler since I was about 16, we used to hang out a lot, fighting, getting drunk/high, all that shit. Shit, the kid was even one of my S.S.P. recruits from back in the day when we had Scumburg Street Punks....
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I'm sorry to hear

I got my X-Box Live hooked up yesterday...finally, after having the X-Box Live subscription thing unused and unopened for a year, I finally got everything to work yesterday. Downloaded lots of levels and stuff, sweet shit. Can't wait to play Splinter Cell 2 on it later.
I can't wait until I finish building my new computer like next month. It's going to fucking OWN.
I can't wait until I finish building my new computer like next month. It's going to fucking OWN.
i want a new computer too, but i think i will get more tattoos first 

Yeah I want more tattoos bad ass. I saw TONS of people with tattoos at work today including the cutest set of twins ever. One was more conservative and preppy and the other had both sleeves and assorted other ones. Man they looked hot together, haha.
Today is my 21st birthday. I really don't have any big plans or anything. Probably just gonna go out to eat/get drunk with my gf and maybe hang out with some friends later? Who knows. It's been pretty boring so far.
happy birthday mofo!
happy belated birthday....i dont know you...hope it was fun