Goddamn do i hate this day....
As i listen to all of the people in my apartment complex wish complete strangers a happy thanksgiving knowing damn well that no one here really gives a shit about each other. it's that fake pleasantry bullshit that drove me to live approximately 1,000 miles from my family.
It's not just thanksgiving, it's every stupid holiday that people drown themselves in.
If i was to be at a family-sponsored thanksgiving dinner i would be constantly berated by questions, and it would be different if only one person asked them, but everyone insists on asking these same questions....they have for 10 years, which is why i haven't made any holiday in the past 7.
***excluding christmas last year because it was my niece's first and she's adorable, and she likes me***
the questions ask most resemble these golden nuggets....followed by my response
"why do you have to get tattoos?" - no one else in this family has any, i have to make up for all of you...here's the number of my tattoo artist, get started, catch up
"you're 28 and single?...why aren't you married" - because, i'm not dumb enough to fall into the misery trap that all of you did, i actually want to get married because i love someone, not because i got them pregnant
"when will you finish school?" - i'm not, i'm a proffessional student, it's my goal to continue to take meaningless classes until i die....so you guys will get stuck with my financial aide repayments.
"why do you want a degree in philosophy?...what will you do with THAT?" - nothing, it's a worthless degree, i think i'll deliver pizza when i get my PhD
"You know, when i was your age i had my career and children....is there something wrong with you?" - yes, there are alot of things wrong with me, namely all of you
after rehashing that, i need a drink...
and that's just the first 20 minutes i'm there....after that it usually drowns into some kind of drunken debate over whose better, smarter, etc. *i find it important to note that not one living, current, member of my family has ANY kind of post-high school education* they continue to whisper about how strange me and my sister are. and then some kind of yelling ensues about who is more of a redneck idiot.
Now, let's dicuss dad. He's an alcoholic that uses every holiday as an excuse to get drunk. this man has competed with me from the day of my birth...it's just sad that he was never able to grasp the upper hand in the competetion, ever. even when i was an infant. that's just how great i am, by the way. and then there's mom. she's the sweetest woman in history, but has no common sense whatsoever. she giggles her way through every tense situation involving her and is a gossip whore.
the only person who NEVER fucked with me or really anyone else was my paternal grandmother and she died in 2002, so i'm in no huge hurry to return to this mess
needless to say, i completely avoid any kind of family from before halloween until about mid-january.
happy piggy day to my family, stuff yourselves, drown in pumpkin pie.
As i listen to all of the people in my apartment complex wish complete strangers a happy thanksgiving knowing damn well that no one here really gives a shit about each other. it's that fake pleasantry bullshit that drove me to live approximately 1,000 miles from my family.
It's not just thanksgiving, it's every stupid holiday that people drown themselves in.
If i was to be at a family-sponsored thanksgiving dinner i would be constantly berated by questions, and it would be different if only one person asked them, but everyone insists on asking these same questions....they have for 10 years, which is why i haven't made any holiday in the past 7.
***excluding christmas last year because it was my niece's first and she's adorable, and she likes me***
the questions ask most resemble these golden nuggets....followed by my response
"why do you have to get tattoos?" - no one else in this family has any, i have to make up for all of you...here's the number of my tattoo artist, get started, catch up
"you're 28 and single?...why aren't you married" - because, i'm not dumb enough to fall into the misery trap that all of you did, i actually want to get married because i love someone, not because i got them pregnant
"when will you finish school?" - i'm not, i'm a proffessional student, it's my goal to continue to take meaningless classes until i die....so you guys will get stuck with my financial aide repayments.
"why do you want a degree in philosophy?...what will you do with THAT?" - nothing, it's a worthless degree, i think i'll deliver pizza when i get my PhD
"You know, when i was your age i had my career and children....is there something wrong with you?" - yes, there are alot of things wrong with me, namely all of you
after rehashing that, i need a drink...
and that's just the first 20 minutes i'm there....after that it usually drowns into some kind of drunken debate over whose better, smarter, etc. *i find it important to note that not one living, current, member of my family has ANY kind of post-high school education* they continue to whisper about how strange me and my sister are. and then some kind of yelling ensues about who is more of a redneck idiot.
Now, let's dicuss dad. He's an alcoholic that uses every holiday as an excuse to get drunk. this man has competed with me from the day of my birth...it's just sad that he was never able to grasp the upper hand in the competetion, ever. even when i was an infant. that's just how great i am, by the way. and then there's mom. she's the sweetest woman in history, but has no common sense whatsoever. she giggles her way through every tense situation involving her and is a gossip whore.
the only person who NEVER fucked with me or really anyone else was my paternal grandmother and she died in 2002, so i'm in no huge hurry to return to this mess
needless to say, i completely avoid any kind of family from before halloween until about mid-january.
happy piggy day to my family, stuff yourselves, drown in pumpkin pie.

i don't see myself owning a horse in the near future, just want to trot around on one for a bit. i am not psycho.
if they were mean to your kitten self i don't want to hear about them