Generosity Is it possible to rid oneself of materialistic tendencies, selfishness and a desire to want to be kind to others and give to those who lack? Volunteering your time and talents to those who need them is also a way of cultivating generosity. Share teachings so people are able to help themselves and in turn, others, is the finest gift you can offer. You have created a positive ripple effect. The ripples of the teachings will travel far and wide to allow many to be assisted.
Ethics Knowing the basic difference between right and wrong is imperative. To practice the perfection of ethics means to refrain from doing harm to yourself and all those around you. All harmful actions are caused by a mind that harbors them, therefore its highly important to be mindful of all your thoughts.
Patience A lack of patience is prevalent in todays society and this will change if we want to evolve. Patience is the antidote to anger. It makes us ugly, leads to the unholy, and robs us of discernment to know right from wrong. When we become angry, our body stiffens, our blood pressure rises, our breathing is impaired, as is our reason. Anger causes wars of all sizes.
Effort Enthusiastic effort is necessary if you want to achieve anything, but for something as noble and challenging as joining the ranks, effort is definitely a requirement. Who doesnt want their efforts repaid instantly? However, the way is arduous and requires virtues that many of us currently lack. Laziness is a huge fault that curtails effort. Tomorrow never comes so your effort is needed NOW!
Concentration Developing a calm mind through meditation will sharpen our concentration. Being able to focus single-pointedly on one object with a non-wavering mind will be a great advantage. The calm-abiding mind develops clairvoyance and abilities to heal ourselves and others. When radiating inward and outward calm, youll become like a lighthouse in a stormy night. Youll inspire others with your strong mental capabilities and they in turn will want the inner peace that you have found for yourself. Concentration is a form of mindfulness. This means that when you pay unwavering attention to what youre doing, you avoid many frustrations. Not practicing mindfulness when driving causes accidents. Concentration is a king with dominion over the mind, once placed, immovable like the king of mountains.
Wisdom Wisdom is the root of all great qualities we can cultivate in this life. Meditation on wisdom is essential for entering into the stages of becoming. I emphasize two vital subjects when it comes to knowledgeselflessness and impermanence. Everything changes constantly. Nothing is fixed; its variable. As for selflessness, we must first discover the location of the self. Is it in the body? If so, wherethe mind? The physical world and all living beings are created by the mind. As we are the results of our past actions, so is the world we live in. Since there are places on earth that are like heaven, those areas where so much virtue has settled that people travel great distances to see such wonderful locations. Conversely, the hellish regions are dense accumulations of non-virtue and evil thrives there, keeping people captive to the negative states of consciousness.
Ethics Knowing the basic difference between right and wrong is imperative. To practice the perfection of ethics means to refrain from doing harm to yourself and all those around you. All harmful actions are caused by a mind that harbors them, therefore its highly important to be mindful of all your thoughts.
Patience A lack of patience is prevalent in todays society and this will change if we want to evolve. Patience is the antidote to anger. It makes us ugly, leads to the unholy, and robs us of discernment to know right from wrong. When we become angry, our body stiffens, our blood pressure rises, our breathing is impaired, as is our reason. Anger causes wars of all sizes.
Effort Enthusiastic effort is necessary if you want to achieve anything, but for something as noble and challenging as joining the ranks, effort is definitely a requirement. Who doesnt want their efforts repaid instantly? However, the way is arduous and requires virtues that many of us currently lack. Laziness is a huge fault that curtails effort. Tomorrow never comes so your effort is needed NOW!
Concentration Developing a calm mind through meditation will sharpen our concentration. Being able to focus single-pointedly on one object with a non-wavering mind will be a great advantage. The calm-abiding mind develops clairvoyance and abilities to heal ourselves and others. When radiating inward and outward calm, youll become like a lighthouse in a stormy night. Youll inspire others with your strong mental capabilities and they in turn will want the inner peace that you have found for yourself. Concentration is a form of mindfulness. This means that when you pay unwavering attention to what youre doing, you avoid many frustrations. Not practicing mindfulness when driving causes accidents. Concentration is a king with dominion over the mind, once placed, immovable like the king of mountains.
Wisdom Wisdom is the root of all great qualities we can cultivate in this life. Meditation on wisdom is essential for entering into the stages of becoming. I emphasize two vital subjects when it comes to knowledgeselflessness and impermanence. Everything changes constantly. Nothing is fixed; its variable. As for selflessness, we must first discover the location of the self. Is it in the body? If so, wherethe mind? The physical world and all living beings are created by the mind. As we are the results of our past actions, so is the world we live in. Since there are places on earth that are like heaven, those areas where so much virtue has settled that people travel great distances to see such wonderful locations. Conversely, the hellish regions are dense accumulations of non-virtue and evil thrives there, keeping people captive to the negative states of consciousness.


im glad i still wish we would have gotten to see the movie to but hey we got to hang out, you finally got to come for a tat so im happy