i want one day, just one perfect, free, cloudy day.
More Blogs
Thursday Sep 28, 2006
ok, so i've been hanging out with rich girl for about a week now and … -
Saturday Sep 23, 2006
well, i had a 'date' tonight with someone my own age, finally.... … -
Saturday Sep 16, 2006
ok boys and girls..... i have a problem....and i'm not quite sure … -
Thursday Sep 14, 2006
this is EASILY the funniest thing EVER and it makes me smile, so th… -
Monday Sep 11, 2006
Internet has returned to me like a cough that never quite goes away a… -
Friday Aug 25, 2006
Only people, that's all, only people -
Monday Aug 21, 2006
off and on and off and on... craziness -
Wednesday Aug 09, 2006
well, i moved.... things are difficult so far, but things always w… -
Friday Aug 04, 2006
well, i move tomorrow (it's technically friday, right/) i'll be in j… -
Monday Jul 24, 2006
Well, it is July 24th and i have officially been cocaine free for 6 m…
i regards to the pet thing....you would be an awefully expensive pet if you're still carrying around your old habbits. but you are awefully cute.
Now it's going to be even worse with my manager out of town for about 5 days. ::cries::
Talk to you soon, hopefully!!