Two weeks left of the first semester of my sophomore year. Three design projects due, two photo projects due. Meh.
I now have green and black tiger striped hair thanks to a good friend. I think I might actually put up a picture of it cause it's so kickass. If anyone actually reads this please checkout the Troma Team SG group. It's my group and it pretty much sucks cause there aren't too many people in it, and spread the word around to people who...
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i went down there for that q and not u show
sorry, i do not remember seeing you there. there seemed to be a lot of people there though.
Got my new iBook, it kicks ass. Going back to school on Saturday. Nothin much to complain about.
Just saw in the punk as fuck group that your little brother was the kid who got pulled on stage to play washboard with Throw Rag. It made me biggrin. What a fun band.
welcome to the GWAR gruop!
If anyone actually reads this you should join the new Troma group. Cause well, it's mine.
so when I first read your home town I thought that it said buffalo porn....and I thought HOW INTERESTING! heh.

also gleaming th cube is hilarious....have you seen Thrashin'?
i'm joining right now! thanks for letting me know about it. kiss
No one around here hires college kids. They're not lookin for "summer help" dumb fuckers. So in the mean time I've begun to paint my room. It's gonna be lime green with emergency orange tiger stripes and a neon blue/yellow checkerboard thing I came up with. I don't know why I even wrote this when no one ever reads my shit on here.
Three more weeks of school! Followed by four months of working my ass off! frown Yeah that's all I can really write on this thing.
ooo, fun! miao!!
So I'm waiting for my 3:30 bus to NYC, and I'm bored. So here's a story I started today in Writing 102 with a prompt from my teacher. Tell me if it's any good:
"So we decided to run for it, which worked until we reached the corner only to find-" the voice from the television was cut off. That channel was boring I decided...
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I'm new here. People will probably hate me. Going to NYC for the first time tommorrow, I leave at 3:30 in the morning. Alright then.