Cats 'n Kittens,
I believe I promised an update, and an update you SHALL
(The previous sentence should be read with a deep, booming maniacal voice)
I left in October, eh?
In that time I: Spoilers contain more info.
1) Finish the semester and kicked its ass (it was difficult and brought many people's GPA's down, but not mine fortunately)
SPOILERS! (Click to view) A lot of bullshit was present during this semester. There were two courses that no one really understood the point of due to content most felt was extraneous, one of which was just a HUGE shit show. The instructor was awful (he would talk for and hour, then follow it up with "but you don't need to know that."), and most people failed the first test. I'm an A+ student, and I got a B. He eventually had to redistribute the marking scheme to make the fist test worth less because the faculty decided the test was unfair, poorly constructed and contained information that was not pertinent to our course. They've since stopped letting him instruct our courses because people have complained about him so much. He's a very smart man with several degrees (he's a doctor of microbiology, worked with WHO and been on BBC as an expert etc. etc.), but none of those degrees is in teaching and he shouldn't be doing it. But it's in the past, and I did well enough in the long run.
2) Got a Co-Op position (one of the few offered. Actually, the only one offered in the desired field.) and have been working at it since.
SPOILERS! (Click to view) The company with which I have been working is in a state of transition where they're closing down their original site (operational since '88) and moving to a new site which they have designed for their purposes. My role is to validate their equipment (make sure that all their equipment works as designed) and do repairs when necessary. The construction project fell way behind (surprise, surprise), so I spent a lot of time working on the documents that will be used to perform the validations which was for the most part boring, but it did let me learn a lot about how this stuff works from a systems stand point which is interesting to no one but me. After that, I worked on the construction site doing whatever needed doing from cleaning up equipment, doing repairs, helping the construction people, cleaning up the clean rooms (which of course did not begin life as clean rooms) and acting as sort of a liaison between the contractors and the company. It has provided a lot of variety and has therefore remained interesting and I'm very glad I've had the chance to work there... even if they pay me fuck all. Such is life, I suppose. Of course there was a lot of disorganization with the company and many things done which I disagree with, but it's not my company and I don't really have a say in the long run. One must take the good with the bad, and I've found more good (though it often seemed to be deviously hidden) in the work than bad which is more than I have to say about some other jobs I've previously had (this is my 7th job, 8th if you include volunteer work). I have decided to continue on with them part time, with a pay raise, to keep a foot in the door and get more experience and few bucks. Hopefully they will explode and become a big rich company and pay me huge quantities of money. Probably not, but there's a lot of good (if unmotivated) people working there so I hope so.
Not much has happened of significant consequence, but the past few months have been a really great experience in my desired field, which is the point of Co-Op in the long run.
I have most of this week off, then I'm back to school on the 11th.
Some people think that having a summer semester sucks, but I tend to have a lot more free time when I'm in school, so I kind of like it.
With the part time work, I'm going to have 6 day weeks, but I'll be alone at work on Saturdays, so I can probably slack a little if I've had a bad week. Much of my job tends to be the waiting the game, so I'll bring in my computer and work on some labs or assignments, and I can always bring in my text books and get a little studying done while getting paid, so it'll end up being a pretty good deal.
Tell me something about yourself that no one ever asks you about but you always want them to.