So let me write something here slightly more important than my not so triumphant return.
Or at least something that starts a little more eloquently than "Ehhhhhhhh, fuck it."
So, I've been away for a month, and a few things actually happened, some good, some shitty.
First and foremost, my little Zinn has passed away.

He is alive and well in the last picture. He is merely lying down. This was taken a year and half ago.
He ended up developing an abdominal infection that antibiotics just wouldn't knock back, surgery would have been too hard on the little guy (he was 2.5 years old, so he was by no means a young man), and I made the decision to have him put down instead of suffering through the infection. If you think I jumped the gun, know that his entire underside was sensitive to touch because it spread that far that fast. Surgery would have involved opening him up, scraping out the infection and any necrotic flesh, then crossing our fingers that it would go away. The vet said, and I agreed, that it might have bought him at most a few months of constant discomfort, but more likely a few weeks. His lipoma had gotten big enough to start interfering with his immune system, and I just felt it was unfair to the little guy.
So my boys now lie next to eachother in my parent's back yard.
I met most of my sister's boyfriend's family, and they were nice. Children are like cats, so they flock to the one person who has the least tolerance for them, so I had a couple of shadows for an afternoon. I managed to keep my language clean and not smoke, so as to not warp their little minds and not pollute their little lungs, but I was happy to be rid of them at the end of the day. My sister's boyfriend was surprised at how good I am with children, but just because I don't like them it doesn't mean I don't respect them.
My other sister is now dating this dude with a 12 year old kid and he's moving in with her at the end of the month. Therefore, my sister gets to be Mom to a 12 year old on weekends. Chump.
I sold my Wii, PSP and DS to her so she could keep the child distracted when he's over (turns out booze and cigarettes aren't a good pass time for 12 year olds) and because I don't use them, so I'm glad to be rid of the clutter and have them in hands that will use and love them. Yes, I anthropomorphise my possessions and assign emotions to them, and felt bad that they were lonely and unused. No, I'm not crazy.
(I'm certainly not crazy
I don't think I'm all that crazy
But you see this pressure's getting to be
Just a bit too much for me
I'm feeling it all over and I wish it would be over
If I turn into a grinning idiot
Please put a quarter in my cup.
Screeching Weasel
Anthem For A New Tomorrow
I've been listening to Screeching Weasel and Ben Weasel and his Iron String Quartet obsessively lately. I got into them back in 1995, but they've been sitting on the back burner lately, and I just sat back and listen to the records for hours this weekend and have fallen back in love them. For the record, the "Iron String Quartet" in question consists of a couple of dudes from All American Rejects and Dan Andriano from Slapstick and, more recognizably, Alkaline Trio.
And know that when someone my age refers to "Pop Punk," we are probably refering to this style of music.
If you listen to this and say "It sounds like [ insert recent band name here]," you're wrong.
They sound like Ben Weasel. Screeching Weasel formed in '86.
Ben Weasel is on the same level of awesomeness as Bruce Campbell. Yeah, you heard me.
I've tired of shaving and have decided to grow a beard. It's going to be awesome and red (naturally. I'm not dying it). Wish me luck.
So, what's new with y'all?
Or at least something that starts a little more eloquently than "Ehhhhhhhh, fuck it."
So, I've been away for a month, and a few things actually happened, some good, some shitty.
First and foremost, my little Zinn has passed away.

He is alive and well in the last picture. He is merely lying down. This was taken a year and half ago.
He ended up developing an abdominal infection that antibiotics just wouldn't knock back, surgery would have been too hard on the little guy (he was 2.5 years old, so he was by no means a young man), and I made the decision to have him put down instead of suffering through the infection. If you think I jumped the gun, know that his entire underside was sensitive to touch because it spread that far that fast. Surgery would have involved opening him up, scraping out the infection and any necrotic flesh, then crossing our fingers that it would go away. The vet said, and I agreed, that it might have bought him at most a few months of constant discomfort, but more likely a few weeks. His lipoma had gotten big enough to start interfering with his immune system, and I just felt it was unfair to the little guy.
So my boys now lie next to eachother in my parent's back yard.
I met most of my sister's boyfriend's family, and they were nice. Children are like cats, so they flock to the one person who has the least tolerance for them, so I had a couple of shadows for an afternoon. I managed to keep my language clean and not smoke, so as to not warp their little minds and not pollute their little lungs, but I was happy to be rid of them at the end of the day. My sister's boyfriend was surprised at how good I am with children, but just because I don't like them it doesn't mean I don't respect them.
My other sister is now dating this dude with a 12 year old kid and he's moving in with her at the end of the month. Therefore, my sister gets to be Mom to a 12 year old on weekends. Chump.

I sold my Wii, PSP and DS to her so she could keep the child distracted when he's over (turns out booze and cigarettes aren't a good pass time for 12 year olds) and because I don't use them, so I'm glad to be rid of the clutter and have them in hands that will use and love them. Yes, I anthropomorphise my possessions and assign emotions to them, and felt bad that they were lonely and unused. No, I'm not crazy.
(I'm certainly not crazy
I don't think I'm all that crazy
But you see this pressure's getting to be
Just a bit too much for me
I'm feeling it all over and I wish it would be over
If I turn into a grinning idiot
Please put a quarter in my cup.
Screeching Weasel
Anthem For A New Tomorrow
I've been listening to Screeching Weasel and Ben Weasel and his Iron String Quartet obsessively lately. I got into them back in 1995, but they've been sitting on the back burner lately, and I just sat back and listen to the records for hours this weekend and have fallen back in love them. For the record, the "Iron String Quartet" in question consists of a couple of dudes from All American Rejects and Dan Andriano from Slapstick and, more recognizably, Alkaline Trio.
And know that when someone my age refers to "Pop Punk," we are probably refering to this style of music.
If you listen to this and say "It sounds like [ insert recent band name here]," you're wrong.
They sound like Ben Weasel. Screeching Weasel formed in '86.
Ben Weasel is on the same level of awesomeness as Bruce Campbell. Yeah, you heard me.
I've tired of shaving and have decided to grow a beard. It's going to be awesome and red (naturally. I'm not dying it). Wish me luck.
So, what's new with y'all?
did you post a picture of your dead mouse?